Chen Yingdan Braid (2025)

1. Non-Abelian effects in dissipative photonic topological lattices - Nature

  • Mar 15, 2023 · Our results point to new ways in which the combined effect of topology and engineered dissipation can lead to non-Abelian topological phenomena.

  • Topology is central to phenomena that arise in a variety of fields, ranging from quantum field theory to quantum information science to condensed matter physics. Recently, the study of topology has been extended to open systems, leading to a plethora of intriguing effects such as topological lasing, exceptional surfaces, as well as non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence. Here, we show that Bloch eigenstates associated with lattices with dissipatively coupled elements exhibit geometric properties that cannot be described via scalar Berry phases, in sharp contrast to conservative Hamiltonians with non-degenerate energy levels. This unusual behavior can be attributed to the significant population exchanges among the corresponding dissipation bands of such lattices. Using a one-dimensional example, we show both theoretically and experimentally that such population exchanges can manifest themselves via matrix-valued operators in the corresponding Bloch dynamics. In two-dimensional lattices, such matrix-valued operators can form non-commuting pairs and lead to non-Abelian dynamics, as confirmed by our numerical simulations. Our results point to new ways in which the combined effect of topology and engineered dissipation can lead to non-Abelian topological phenomena. In this work, the authors show that photonic topological lattices with dissipative couplings could exhibit non-Abelian dynamics and geometric phases that are in sharp contrast to those arising in typical energy-cons...

Non-Abelian effects in dissipative photonic topological lattices - Nature

2. Stefano Chesi

  • Discrete time crystal in an open optomechanical system. Dongni Chen, Zhenyang Peng, Jiahui Li, Stefano Chesi, and Yingdan Wang ; Self-purification and ...

  • Stefano Chesi

3. Prediction of anisotropic coefficient of thermal expansion for laminated ...

  • Mar 31, 2022 · Micro-mesoscopic prediction of void defect in 3D braided composites[J]. ... BAO Guanjun, YU Mingyue, ZHU Yingdan, YU Xiaochen, CHEN Gang, YANG ...

  • Representative volume element (RVE) in lamina and laminate levels were build based on the arrays of fiber into resin and stacking sequences in laminated composites. In combination with the specified boundary conditions in RVE models, coefficient of thermal expansions (CTEs) and engineering constants for lamina were predicted, followed by an evaluation of anisotropic CTEs for laminate using multiscale method. The results show that numerically predicted CTEs match well with experimental data as compared to theoretically calculated value as a whole, especially for the numerically predicated CTEs of unidirectional T300/5208, P75/934 and C6000/Pi carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin matrix composites with a difference of 3%, 1% and 2%, respectively. And the predicted engineering constants using RVE model for unidirectional ECR/Derakane 510C glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester resin matrix composites were also in good agreement with experimentally measured results, with a maximum difference of 7.5%. Meanwhile, the difference between experimental results and forecasted CTEs in through-thickness direction for cross-ply AS4/8552 carbon fiber reinforced resin matrix composites using RVE model of laminated composites is nearly negligible with a difference of 0.08%. Finally, the equivalent CTEs of laminated composite with different stacking sequences were estimated using RVE models of lamina and laminate levels for cross-ply composite structures in large large-scale structures, and the res...

Prediction of anisotropic coefficient of thermal expansion for laminated ...

4. Finite element modelling of the flexural performance of resorbable ...

  • Simulating damage onset and evolution in fully bio-resorbable composite under three-point bending. · Load capacity assessment of a braided textile composite bone ...

  • Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Finite element modelling of the flexural performance of resorbable phosphate glass fibre reinforced PLA composite bone plates." by L. Harper et al.

Finite element modelling of the flexural performance of resorbable ...

5. Optics Oct 2024 - arXiv

6. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 2003 Issue 4 STUDY ON ...

  • zhu ying dan ; li xin hua ; wang ji hui ; gao guo qiang ... chen ping ; chen hui ; liu li li ; zhu xing song ... ANALYZING THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF 3-D BRAIDED ...


7. Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond

  • Aug 6, 2018 · [1369] Dongni Chen, Si Luo, Ying-Dan Wang, Stefano Chesi, and Mahn ... braid and Yang–Baxter gates", Journal of Physics A Mathematical ...

  • John Preskill, Quantum 2, 79 (2018). Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technology will be available in the near future. Quantum computers with 50-100 qubits may be able to perform tasks which surpass the capabilities of t…

Quantum Computing in the NISQ era and beyond

8. Effective elastic properties and stress distribution of 2D biaxial ...

  • Due to the interlacement of tows, the architecture of braided composites is complex, especially for the nonorthogonal braid in which the tow has various ...

  • Due to the interlacement of tows, the architecture of braided composites is complex, especially for the nonorthogonal braid in which the tow has various cross sections along the towpath. The microscopic mechanical analysis is highly sensitive to the geometric architecture, which causes great difficulties for the research on material behavior of nonorthogonal braid. In this article, a finite element model has been proposed to investigate the effective elastic properties and stress distribution of 2D biaxial…

Chen Yingdan Braid (2025)
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