Jerma's House Flipper 2 Invitational (Stream Edit) - Italian Food (2024)

Jerma’s Biggest Event Ever… in terms of content creators. CDawgVA, ConnorEatsPants, DougDoug, Ludwig, RTGame, Kiwo, Vinny Vinesauce, Vinesauce Joel, Nothernlion, Squeex, Esfand, Bonnie, Pokelawls, Ster, Etalyx, Criken, Snuffy, and WillNeff.

Jerma’s Twitch ~

#Jerma985 #Jerma #Clips

Hi everybody so there are like 40 people in this call just to make everybody aware does anybody have any more questions before we go all right uh I’ve never played this so we’re going to do our best just to let you know asan you can’t

Get lower than a D minus I just want to make sure that’s clear that’s pretty bad really failing 6 nobody fails there’s no failing you a D minus is passing grade no it’s not is a failing gr no is it what are you talking about in Canada

That’s a pass here what what do you mean first in like a college 70% guys I got a D minus D I got a D minus like half my entire educational life like an I pass I have a question my teamate oh my God like a

Tomato why am I so red why am I this red right now I’ve been like sweating in this shirt but look at this not not quite a man bun but it’s close all right hi everybody it is now time for us to begin this event yeah somebody said it

Look like a SLE ball [__] you I don’t care is anybody here so lost that their partner is also so lost that they could use like some mod help to like help them uh I don’t think my partner’s here yet soly improvised it should be where is is

Seog here he’s in Japan what it’s all good this is all for fun none of it’s not there’s no Stak you guys will be all right very important so you’re on teams of two each one of you is going to get a prompt for the first two builds who are

Who among you would like to be player a find that out right now you’ll be I’m a player a the a player can you be player a what do you think should player if you will what do you think Doug you’ll go first cuz I have no skills okay uh how

Less confident in this it’s funny if you go first s whatever you want to do I’ll do the opposite really play is this the first build that counts 10 then like the player so whoever is player a is doing this build alone but we can have like

The people in our ear absolutely yes prompt number one is going to be either naughty or nice oh okay naughty or nice that’s the theme of the first build the theme no the theme of both whoever picks naughty is giving nice to the other person ah by

The way this is just this is just fun theming well we’ll see no I’m not in a fat suit I just got fat that’s it I’m sorry I’m talking about chat all right you should all have a player a right now and they should be nice whoever you are your prompt is Okay Doug DG what the hell was that I really got to turn that off you to turn it off and that’s how you that’s how you share substitute teacher I look like an Hest substitute what substitute teacher like you haven’t you don’t use lamp bulbs like what’s

With that shirt you look like Jared Lego oh Jared Lego I know that guy the only clean shirt I have that looked like the teacher is trying to pass it the exam right okay you have 20 minutes to do this at 20 and you are going to

Decorate you’re going to furnish and you are going to paint that pre-built based around the prompt dinner does it say din din din all right dinner and this is the nice right this is the nice prompt this is a nice dinner this na dinner no that was just that was just Christmas theming

Your only prompt is dinner dinner it was CU it’s Christmas time I don’t want open a present for everybody it’s nice is not a prompt dinner is your prompt ladies and gentlemen the house flipper Invitational part two has begun in sque squeaks go room five exactly get

Her go for the record German I think it’s funny that you’re fat now I mean this is like a Peter Griffin shirt I mean I get it you don’t know that I have green ass pants on too all right so this is exciting I got the best job here but let

Me show you some things cuz this is kind of this is what they’re using uh here we go [__] everybody everybody wait wait wait wait wait wait did everybody click play or did they click edit oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait stop stop stop stop stop stop stop everybody stop everybody stop make sure you’re editing not playing make sure you’re editing not playing make sure you clicked edit not play [__] I forgot to say that my brain was like a thousand [__] different places all right so

Hold on are people in edit a lot of you I didn’t say this we’re going to restart because it’s only been like a minute or two you have click edit not play when you open that file edit not play when you click play make sure you’re hitting

Edit we had to restart that we had to cuz like there’s no way people would it would been disadvantaged so much you screw it up he hey it’s this is the warm-ups this isn’t even the real thing this these are the warm-ups that’s why I did that specifically so build three was

Perfectly executed if you were in play mode you’d have to buy 30 paint cans and paint the house super important distinction so glad we restarted you look like a Founding Father what happened to the ponytail where is it that lasted 13 minutes where is this like scrunchie can anybody see

It I need a haircut so bad I know at the end of this period when 20 minutes goes by and it’s like okay pencil’s down they’re all going to give me their files I am going to screen share to them so I get a clean video so I’ll screens

Share to them and they will guide me through the tour will you do the best man speech at my wedding yeah uh excuse me excuse me everybody give me one second please uh my buddy over here getting married you know and wowe didn’t think I’d ever see the day right

Everybody time for laughter laughter the mom’s laughing good uh I just want to say it’s it’s an honor to be here as the as the speech giver and that I uh I wish obviously the new couple of wonderful healthy life together and I also hope that everybody gets out there and starts

Dancing in a few minutes when uh when we Cut the Cake hey yep you’ll be out there Frank I know you will but anyways yeah it’s an honor uh let’s give a toast please to the uh to to the to the Newly Weds and see you

Later that was really awkward so it was really realistic oh yeah Connor needs help I’ll go down and help hey hello how you doing you doing all right yeah you know what what can I help you with uh do you have like do you know Connor dog VA

Yeah uh is is he asleep uh you know maybe well you you get both prompts oh I was oh I get oh no I thought I was just second prompt oh man oh that’s unfortunate I got better get started then oh you’re okay so you’re waiting okay well I better get no I’ll

Get going I’ll get going just you know just know I just started right now so like great off that you could just kind of chill for this one and the second one uh will be I’ll do like a little something yeah probably what I would have done anyways but yeah all right

Thank you yeah I wonder cuz I I I talked to him yesterday he’ll be around he probably just messed up time I mean it’s like time zones too it’s just it’s like oh it’s like Plus 12 or something it’s just so I’ve been saying should just

Like get rid of time zones use universal time yeah it’s 6:00 a.m. Japan yeah I would be surprised if he was like awake but yeah I just want to make sure you you good yeah no I’m doing great doing great thanks we’re it’s literally uh there’s only 10 minutes left okay I’ll

Figure it out thanks yep okay so he is good yeah I got I got let me see do I have any DMS or anything you need anything else oh [__] I didn’t know I was still here I’m like hm let me see what what can I

Do do you need anything else so do you need anything else or that funny you’re so red why I don’t even care good I’ll be red today who gives a [__] that means I’m full of [__] blood why are you in a costume this is I’m a I’m a real estate

Person I was going to wear a tie but I didn’t want to I was like no that’s not happening I’m so excited God I had the easiest job I just have to sit here and like look like an idiot this is great I was born for this

Lazy Larry that’s it that’s it pencil’s down okays down no I have sorry one second my [__] ribs that is to save some time everybody that is a that is did not build all the player twos raise your hand hi hi okay all player twos are going to go right now

Oh no and they’re going to start their naughty build oh what wait oh right now wait a minute so here’s the thing here’s the thing hold on hold your questions hold your questions guys hold your questions whoever is building right now you are only going to be away from your

Partner for 3 or 4 minutes because long that’s eternity if you want to go hang out with your partner and help them build you don’t have you can go do that you don’t if you want to watch the tours absolutely but you only technically going to be away from your partner for

As long as you really want to right now so naughty build your timer’s fast just 20 minutes your timer is running a little bit fast is it the Google timer I believe that I I had a timer that I started when you said go and I think

Yours is running a little fast what is your timer at uh yours was at least 30 seconds fast we’re talking 30 seconds I’m Z okay yeah I feel like that’s that’s 2.5% ladies and gentlemen player B your build which you have 20 minutes just like the just like the first one is technological

Advancements oh dear technological advancements was technological advancement a step a whole food category you look good right now I want you to know that you look [__] good right now thanks dude you’re sucking up you’re clearly sucking I’m not sucking up I just I see a man and I think looks good

I say it out loud I’m not controversial like you in 3 2 1 technological advancements player B good luck make sure you use that same template are you using the same template you should be all right Connor all right I am about to be ready and I’ll make sure that you can

See every oh my [__] god oh it’s spoiled it’s spoiled I’m sorry I just woke up hey what’s up dude hey you got to get to work on house B by the way I’ll I’ll carry so hard house B you don’t even know we’re going for a a a completely different religion

For the next house okay good good my camera [__] up what the [__] what the [__] is this [__] there I this camera is a piece of crap all right let’s go all right can you see yep all right so remember the theme was dinner and you’re

Going to get a grade from me you’re also going to get a grade from chat so I would like you can see I would like for you to to guide me through uh your your first bill yeah so I mean you can kind of take your own tour around but this is

Sort of the front of the that was an exper trying to figure out how to change the walls right um so you know put those there again it’s a work in progress okay put this on Sea Dog score this was his house this he was player a score he was

Player a um so yeah if you walk in we have the we have a photo of the Last Supper CU it was dinner and supper is a synonymous with dinner oh my God lighting was a bit bad so we put in some you know some of those cuz ceiling

Lights we’re still working on how to do that figure that out uh this is I I will tell you this is awesome it’s a beautiful piece isn’t it this is actually like you thought outside the box a little this was not you know like what I was thinking like how are people

Going to interpret this are you going to build a table are you going to put bunch of food everywhere is it going to be a restaurant or you going is it going to be like a kitchen right could be anything MH uh you did the last supper and you lit the wall

Mhm yeah also in mind you did not know you were even building right that’s huge no I didn’t yeah I was kind of just figuring out what I’m doing know it’s we I played around with the whole I mean you can check around the house too but yeah me

Is there anything else you’d like me to see I mean you can look around it’s up to you I mean it’s it’s a free form kind of environment on top of it there’s like a little we have like the cross dude it’s like a church supposed to be like a

Bit of a mega church okay I feel you I I I see I see y this is all right I have a grade for you uh you can keep exploring I mean maybe there’s oh there’s more is would you is there any way I should any guidance I should have you look behind

There’s no guide there’s no guide there’s no guide let go You why is there a plane oh it’s the jet that’s right it’s okay that’s right that’s um Kenneth what Kenneth Copeland yeah yeah okay well I I see the I see the the theme I see the philosophy uh I I like it I like it a lot actually thank you I like the

Creativity I like that the last second thinking so uh Conor pants your grade for me is I’m going to give you know I’m going to give you I’m going to give you a solid I’m going to give you solid B minus oh my god wow I’m going give I’m

Going to give you a B minus thank you so much wow and know that that exact score I give you 72 no no no no 82 82 sorry 82 82 82 is even better holy [__] so Conor Connor reads pants your grade for this from me is a B minus so if we

Can get chat scored higher than myund thieves orphanage uh chat you are going to get four choices 65 75 85 or 95 there’s no such thing as 100 so chat has given Connor a 75 let see which Connor that’s that’s an 80 you’re your average is an

80 right now I am 75% of the grade chat you were 25% of the grade that’s why the people asking why yeah I didn’t add any images yeah cuz here’s my concern last time we did this it felt like it was who has the funniest memes on their computer

And I wanted to make art right so if you could step outside for a moment J yeah yeah I I haven’t looked at anything I have to reset my camera because every time I what is going on with this [__] camera I do like when it freezes

So all as I was saying germa uh countrymen I wanted to build something not download something okay so I want you to walk in and just tell me your first thought when you look at that it was probably something you haven’t seen in a while okay but what do you see

Here L did you make the last supper that’s correct germa I had the Innovative idea of making the Last Supper something I didn’t think a lot of other people here would latch on to no of course uh sorry what Connor eats pants did the Last Supper as well what a coincidence uh you

Did you did you cheat off me no I definitely I absolutely did not I someone in chat was like do the last supper and I was like oh okay okay well but I mean I honestly I like yours better because you like made the last supper and I downloaded a JPEG and then

Put Kenneth Copeland on the back of the wall I did I did make it so it’s a onetoone replica they used purple marble in the back walls with accented squares and then uh tan marble with a terracotta floor this was where the last supper was

Held this was uh in what is now modern uh day uh Jerusalem and as you can see I made it a gamer dinner with 13 gamer chairs y gamer chairs except for Jesus cuz he’s modest he wouldn’t game in a gaming chair he would merely game in a

Wood chair I feel it I feel it okay I do love do you here’s a question do you have the right amount of chairs of the people that were at the Last Supper yeah so I have one for for Jesus in the 12 apostles uh including including Judas

That [__] uh excuse my language uh and uh and and all the authentic food that they ate there okay so let’s go over some of the food real quick so got a cheeseburger uh cheesecake banana that’s a sandwich Derma yeah it’s a sandwich um cheese they definitely had cheese and grapes

Stuff yeah okay this they let me see booze uh they didn’t have uh wine in the thing so you know whiskey was close and I love how all the alcohol is placed in front of where Jesus would be sitting where you think they’re making it it he’s chefing it

Up I love it I think this is great uh I am going to give you on this I like the outside anything else to that I should go look at or are we honestly it’s more about looking within yeah I love it I I love how the first two have been

Uh Christian themed I’m curious if there’s seven out of nine of these will be Christian themed I don’t think so I think you guys are on mer Christmas that’s what I’m saying bring it back okay lwig this is great uh I’m going to say the the only critique that I have is

Uh I would like for the I would like the food to maybe be placed a little nicer it’s a little it’s a little half Hazard uh there’s no there’s only one sandwich on a plate I Think Jesus would probably have a little bit of something to say

About that uh it’s almost like they’re eating like it’s their last meal you know true okay uh L I’m going to give you that is a that is a Sal that’s I’m fighting between a minus and b plus. trust yourself and if it hurts me it helps you I’m going to be

B+ I think B+ are you sure are you sure switch it switch it I’m going to I’m going to cry lwig congratulations to B+ it’s great grade uh chat what are you going to give L’s uh first build somebody called me a Judas you Judas you’re not a Judas you’re you’re

You’re like a John the exact score I’m going to even 89 89 ger thank you so much Chef thank you very much Chef I appreciate it uh and and I I will only get better from here thank you Chef I will leave you alone yeah y excellent work excellent

Excellent work well you can cuz I just to help with oh boy this is I know this is going to be okay all right so I got I got to present this so I’ll kind of Follow Your Screen just so you I I can

Show it us on my end too uh but I hope you are ready for a lovely Christmas Australian dinner there was a lot of theme in that we wanted to unveil on this and with the beach and the island setup we were thinking okay what if we

Made this a gingerbread house set in Australia so we’ve done gingerbread we have like the icing on the ceiling and the roof we got a little Christmas tree out the front of the garden as well no decorations in that because we don’t want to cause any fire hazards in that

Because Australian Christmas it’s L the height of Summer it’s very very toasty out okay so you want to be careful with that if you’d like to step on inside I will step on step on over the frost and the lamps we have a lovely Christmas dinner prepared with candied apples

Ready on the plate for you to enjoy got a bit of leftover bread and some of the leftover veggies from before that you know in typical Christmas dinner fashion no one wants to eat the veg people are about the meat and the sweet stuff as we’ve got pictures of lovely pictures of

Santa all over the wall as well spreading the Christmas cheer tee was nice so we wanted to evoke that essence of Santa if you actually look at the walls if you see that we’ve got the accent wall but then we’ve actually got these candy cane flares uh all about the

Corners cuz we really want to try and evoke some of that Christmas feel and it’s specifically the gingerbread aesthetic um so like we’ve got like those bits of candy cane we’ve also got a candy cane rug in the C of um so we really want to kind of get that nice

Contrast and kind of like this gingerbread floor in again with the candy cane look at the floor too yes because it’s Christmas dinner and the idea is there’s kids at the meal and these are their toys that they were playing with and they’re so excited that

They left them out on the floor so we’ve got a little robot we built like a little model train on the railway can I ask a question can I ask a question what question would you like to ask are these Santa pictures AI generated no no they’re not no they’re

Not no they’re not it’s just pictures say look like they’re AI generated oh my camera froze hold no you know sometimes it’s a bit much for the kids especially at an early age to see Santa Far Christmas himself you know at the shopping mall it’s a pretty big deal

And oh my God he’s in your local area you know so that’s why like some of them are a bit panicked but they’ll look back at this in later years and really acknowledge that they were having the time of their life uh this is this is

Great as uh as Tony the Tiger would say what is this uh oh so no this is actually a little touch so one of my viewers actually just got a medicine degree and they are from Australia there was actually a shout out in my chat for them so we actually slapped a degree

Just on the wall because we were already going with the theme of an Australian Christmas so shout out to Mo there I hope you’re doing fantastic congratulations once again uh we just slapped a degree in just for himself RT I I have to say something and I I I’m telling

You H you were the winner you were the winner last time and you you showed up today for sure at least in this first build anything else you like I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t do it alone oh Ki KI has been helping me so much on this par I’m

Very much looking forward to what Ki makes uh no she is working away you’re going to be excited to see it got a I’m giving you literally a solid a you’re getting you’re getting a 96 on this by the way oh my God that’s very kind Jesus

Christ this is great it’s just look at all the details look at all this you you did all this detail work oh you way too kind no cuz I mean you want to make it look nice for Christmas you know I mean like I I you know I I love

This game and I want to like if I even if I only got 20 minutes I want to make sure I try and do it right and cram in as much of those little bits I can and we left out some cookies and milk for Santa oh this is cookies and milk I

Didn’t I couldn’t my God no your Grant there’s cookies and milk and we actually left out some carrots for the reindeer as well which would be like a tradition uh in my house um actually like fun little thing in my house um cuz Santa in

My house when he used to visit back in the day actually liked cookies and because Santa didn’t drink milk he actually liked a touch of alcohol so we’ve actually left a bottle of whiskey on the fireplace there oo by the way don’t want to cut you off 20 minutes is

Up for the second build second Builders stop it stop it stop it stop it I love the I love the pineapple too well [__] good the pineapple is there because that’s a pineapple cake that was the idea we actually colored the icing cuz you can edit that

Now all right aend let’s get your grade up here uh RT gets a 96 Beau what is yeah it was great okay every time I it’s so funny oh my God what the [__] is all this I love how I start I know I started there sorry yeah it’s

Weird every time I open somebody’s file my computer freezes look at this My Stream I my cam freezes every time it’s so weird I why the [__] does this happen okay I am ready please guide me through your home okay um as you can see here we have

A nice um exterior I chose a nice little stone exterior you have some rocks some mushrooms and also it says m in uh the vines there to to signify that M this is going to be some tasty food in the house okay all right okay does it go around no

Still cool still I like the outside decorations thank you thank you very nice all right okay anything outside or no just kept it simple and I did you know wrap the texture around um so as you can see here I chose a nice fish themed wallpaper with some uh lavender

Trimming because I thought that would look quite nice very pretty and um I have some some photos of food on the wall what oh it’s a it’s a traditional Italian dinner you know I’m an Italian New Yorker and this is kind of what we grew up with you know Jesus Christ it’s

Romantic though because there’s some candles on the table this is like they us they used to make the Super Nintendo commercials where remember where the guy like ate all the [__] pizza and he blew up or whatever was for Yoshi’s Island uh you know I might have seen

That recently and forgot it but yeah that that’s what’s going on here uh and also the pizza is you can tell the pizza was really good and uh very enjoyable so that’s that’s a traditional New York Italian meal what is all in the pizza I don’t know what’s on the pizza

What’s on the what is on this pizza is is somebody puke on this I don’t know what’s on that pizza maybe blue cheese maybe a little Italiano alfredo sauce I’m not sure I will say this I will say this let me interject and you

Say this that is not not M do it’s mail do and is not disqualified no it’s alfredo sauce it’s it’s alfredo sauce it’s it’s dude can you imagine having a [__] painting like this in your house I thought it was a cool way to you know just just to

Again some nice photos of food I’ve collected over the years um that one is I got a nice couch if you you want to sit under the Ronald Reagan um pie and uh some Bean oh oh it’s my orange friend cool okay all right I’m

Why what’s with the beans and it it was banana oh okay all right all right it’s dinner I mean technically it’s dinner so that’s that’s pretty much it’s a simple little rustic Abode Gordon Ramsey would probably like it and uh I hope you come over for our Italian dinner what’s on

The floor oh gross moldy pizza that’s minus two points sorry no no no no that’s not moldy that’s alfredo sauce someone was sloy cu the food was so delicious uh this is this is great I would say this is I would call this fantastic uh I think it’s very very well

Made very well done I love I love what you did with the trim thank you I love what you did with the photos I love the cabinets this is a nice touch uh I’m going to oh this is hard okay I’m going to give you it you’re in the A’s uh it’s

Good it’s good it’s a this is a 90 this is a 93 this is a 93 thank you no it’s a 94 this is a 94 it’s awesome I you know what what really sold me was this [__] Pizza just thrown over here this is great yeah again like yeah the pizza explosion

And it’s so good you just want so much of it and it’s like again we Italian New Yorkers we eat with our hands we talk with our hands so for us just having a bunch of Pizza on a table is like what what uh what happened here oh it’s not

Clipping I was going to take two points off but you are correct not clipping what how did you do how did you manage to okay can I get an extra point because it’s not clipping I’m kidding that was a joke that’s fine Ronald Reagan you were 93 now you’re

94 cool I’m I’m happy with that very much thank you apprciate congratulations wonderful chat what are you going to give Vinnie’s uh first house here an a you got an A that’s a 95 oh [__] this is going to be a tight competition loading up you want to start outside let me get

Out of here let me get out of here for a sec uh let me reset my camera cuz my computer sucks okay very so what we cooked up is uh it’s I would call it an homage to the midcentury American family dinner it’s meant to uh remind you of

The past in Broad themes and evoke uh the feeling of childhood and uh also just the feeling of nourishment uh that you got not just from the food but also from spending time with those you love okay just do some tasting notes before you enter the establishment I’ve I’ve

Done it myself I I is can I ask a question yes does before I go in is this I’m loving it uh I hope you’re loving it the last two teams I think they got like a 97 and a 94 okay yeah so I would love to be in

That same sort of ballpark anything outside I should look at first uh originally uh we had we had big plans for uh introducing the New Concept of a drive-thru but unfortunately we just ran out of uh budget um and I I would definitely tell you not to take a look

At the top of the roof cuz there’s still some you know little some cobwebs and some construction we’re working on we haven’t painted all the Terracotta yet but we’re we’re doing what we can okay so I love your webcam stuck in a great spot okay I I love it already because I

Love the fact that you you you made a drive-thru that’s very creative you that’s a lot of points right off the bat that’s very dinner all right I’m going to go in this I’m this is the drive-through window I’m assuming right yes that was supposed to be the drive-through window okay very

Cool I’m going to go in and I think one of the things that’s great about this is that it’s sort of like what you see is what you get it’s a very accessible piece of architecture um there’s not a whole lot that needs any expl you can

Just kind of go in here and and soak it in and if you got any questions I’m I’m more than happy to to answer them okay so I I have one very quick question right off the bat these tables are a little scuffed I feel like

The if I was a franchise owner I’d probably be like what’s going on with these tables here you would say scuffed what I would say as the proprietor of the establishment is just clear that these tables are well-loved you know they’ve been used and and they’ve created a lot of memories and those

Memories that have been created have Al imprinted permanently on the furniture so there’s always that interplay between you know the the person inside of the establishment and the infrastructure of the establishment itself you know you no man ever uh dips his toe into the same river twice cuz it isn’t the same river

And it isn’t the same the same man okay wow that was that was an unbelievable explanation to make sure that the letter grade stayed very high okay very good uh this poster is is wrong what happened uh it’s not it’s not wrong it’s portrait mode this is how gen Z likes to

Uh look at things they look at them from a a n 6×9 aspect ratio instead of a 16 by9 that good answer very good answer okay I’m I’m like the food here I love the theme this is Imagine This is the menus probably yes those are the menu boards very nice very beautiful

Beautiful work okay I I think I I think I know I this is they’re all high so far this is this is great all right so so here’s here’s the score I’m going to give you for your first build I’m going to give you an today it’s an a that’s that’s a not

That’s a straight up this is this is a if it wasn’t if okay if it wasn’t a drive-thru if you didn’t give me the drive-through pitch maybe I it wouldn’t be it may be a minus but this is I I love this I love the uh the philosophy

On this you’re going to get a 95 thank you so much very good Just for future reference is there anything I could do for our next build to to help make up that fivepoint difference uh Amar Simpson impression all right I’ll get working no this is great all right so

What what chat what are you going to give uh northernland these are all great scores so far I think you guys I think you guys know what you’re doing can I explain uh I mean what would you like to explain Bonnie like I just remember you

Built this so well and then like it was it it was like top of the town so much so that it got robbed and everyone yeah I don’t know yeah I can expand on this all right so where where do you want me to start um well uh you can start right

Where you’re standing okay um so I like green thank you um do you have any questions right off the b i yes I have a very important question what is going on over here that is a uh a a structural yeah that was a uh structural uh design

Mistake uh not by us but by the people who originally built this restaurant actually this is a uh uh Italian Seaside Seafood restaurant uh as you can see and uh they made the mistake of building a giant window in the restaurant and uh well okay they were robbed really they

Were robbed because somebody broke through the window and they stole everything inside [__] okay I get it they it was robbed yes oh okay yes yes all right let me go let me let me take let me take a look let me take a look

See we we really needed the money to put this up so we actually rented from we went you know we were going with an Italian theme and we actually ended up um getting involved in you know the mafia so so whenever this whenever this restaurant was built

Uh they didn’t have the money to afford it so they took out a loan from the mafia what ended up happening and I didn’t really want to explain this initially is that they couldn’t they weren’t they weren’t cutting it you know apparently there wasn’t a huge need for

A Seaside Italian seafood restaurant and they weren’t able to pay back the loans that they got from the mafia and that is when they came in and broke the window stole everything inside and then proceeded to break their legs as well also that’s uh that tile out there is uh

Um that was you know going to be repurposed but it yeah um I I I have a few a few quick opinions I my I have a very important question as is this a restaurant right it was now it’s abandoned and that’s where all the Moss from the

Outside comes from real quickly in like 10 seconds what what is the philosophy of having uh like a bush as the outside of of a Resturant that’s that’s actually Moss that has grown on the wall because it’s abandoned after it was bought oh okay yeah the sprinklers were just left

On for a very long time okay all right well here here’s what I’m going to give you uh I will tell you uh the story the story helped you a little bit here uh unfortunately build I know you guys had last second there a little bit more to the story

There’s a little bit more to the story just a little bit okay so so we were actually like going to repurpose this what we decided to do is we decided to go with girl dinner and I don’t know if you heard of girl what what what what is what is girl

Dinner it’s like you know when you don’t want to eat something so instead you go girl dinner and it could be like something like it could be nothing or it could be something small so that’s why that’s why you see the pink with the fish and if you notice like you know

It’s pretty creative the the the the flooring is actually ocean themed which is very very nice it looks like the ocean even though it’s Marble and so the reason why it’s empty also is because girl dinner girl dinner right that’s fun all right I you can tell why this went

Out of business actually you can tell why they sold literally nothing I got a grade for you I am going to give you it’s not this is not bad this is not bad okay don’t think this is bad I’m going to give you guys I’m going to give

You you see save some points here with the story I was going to go with d but that has been changed from the story I’m going to give you guys a solid 72 No 7 71 71 oh yes let’s go I’ll give you SE yeah because because here’s why

You you you you guys just just created a story and then built a a a little house like you you were like okay obviously you I mean got what was it got robbed yeah I mean you got robbed and of time like the 5 Seconds really made a

Difference I think probably yeah but no I I I enjoy the story but the build could use a little Improvement but it was very very nice very well very well told story thank you we used all of our experience that we had with house flipper all our tools he’s a sucker for a

Narrative thank you thank you yeah nice job Hulen stir how are you good to see you good to see you uh could you do me a favor and uh go to your settings real quick in the game in in my game okay yeah and uh just uh turn off the music

Turn the music off okay yeah music is off in my settings okay we’re good just for now yep okay can you hear This yes okay continue okay what you’re going to have to guide me here where where am I going do I not have a guide what the [__] is going on oh by the way Connor Sea Dog stop Building what the oh [__] You wait is there more in here oh my God this is so scary okay did I get to the end okay you can put the music on okay put the music on that was [__] awesome I think I’m going to have to go Camas I don’t know why this keeps doing this whoa I don’t want to do that all right poke that was atmospherically phenomenal I I think atmosphere wise that this is an A plus I couldn’t have done it without stir

Honestly stir was like 90% of the idea I I mean this is this is this is very very very very high the one thing I’m going to tell you where you’re going to you’re going to get a pretty going to get a pretty major Point deduction here

Unfortunately I hate to say it uh what is the dinner aspect J you fool what you are the dinner oh God never mind okay okay okay all right yeah this this is an A+ how did you how did you like black out the whole thing I don’t

Know I I don’t think he knows actually I think that’s a real answer this is awesome all right uh this is [__] great uh this is this is probably the highest score of the day just because of you know you went underground you you took the theme and

You kind of Twisted it a little bit I I love that I love that idea uh I’m this is this is going to be ah this is a 98 this is this is a 98 yes thank you the music to I like you just you kind of went the extra mile

That that is a 98 for poke chat is also giving you 95 let’s go let’s go let’s go very very very sweet hi there I’m Troy McLure and you might remember me from such commercials as the pasta Paradiso and the risoto rendevu today I’m here to introduce you to a dining experience

Like none other the Olive Garden introducing their new senior leave it living experience the risoto rendevu or sorry the rato rendevu will will hold I got to cut you off I can’t open the door that’s user error that’s a skill Gap I think the I think the ivy or

Whatever is here is blocking the door hold on that’s just go fly mode and freeze through pretty sick all right I’m in y oh Jesus Christ that’s a skill issue for sure okay all right continue picture this you your friends and your family are all gathered together in a

Warm and welcoming Embrace of the Olive Garden it’s like stepping into a little Slice of Italy right in your neighborhood try our new oops all bread sticks dinner happening now um I’m happy to answer any questions uh I it’s great uh first of all I love the outside you me tell you

You’re getting a monstrous amount of points just because of the outside thank you that is identical that is identical to what an Olive Garden looks like outside thank you it’s it is like the exact color the exact type of stone it is perfect uh so you’re getting huge

Points for that I do love the oops all bread sticks I think that’s I I like that a lot is this o want to go they wanted to go beyond um you know just Unlimited bread sticks and now it’s only bread sticks is this is this wine everybody’s

Got a culous amount of olive oil to sip on while you Dr your olives it’s just bottles of olive oil and um Sweet Berry wine this is great uh I am going to tell you the the build inside is good the build outside is great so I am going to

I I think I’ve got a unless anything else you want me to see anything else You’ like to add cuz I think I’ve a pretty good idea uh no I I think you got a pretty good um idea of what’s going on here it’s an Olive Garden you took the

Restaurant you took the theme and you made a restaurant I love it yeah nothing says dinner to me like the warm embrace of some Alfredo served up hot at the Olive Garden hey Olive Olive Garden sometimes doesn’t miss I just got to make sure I say that everybody going to leave

Now I just I just lost 10,000 VI yours all right yeah I I think this deserves I think this deserves a high B I’m going to give you I’m going to say probably somewhere around I want to say I want to say B+ I’m going to give you I’m going to

Give you an an 80 I’ll give you an 87 I’m going to give you an 87 okay I’ll take it the only critique that I have the only critique that I have is I I I may have wanted to see the tables maybe maybe the spread

Out a little more because I I feel like if I sit here I I don’t want to sit next to this [__] you know what I mean I give give me like two tables get it a I don’t want to sit next to [__] two

People too too close for me I I I like spread out restaurants although you did only have a small space and you worked with it well all right will you got an 85 from chat and I got you an 87 you’re at you’re at an 86.5 right now that’s a

Good score thank you thank you well let’s first of all I just want to be aware of our surroundings out here we are we are on the beach sure if you look out into the distance you might even see some fishermen coming back to shore

Right now to become Fishers of Men now I think we’re ready to go inside okay I was I was looking for the fisherman that’s a great view they’re just really far out there on the horizon okay yeah now welcome in to you may have seen the first supper and the second supper

But have you seen the last supper that is where we are today we have U you may have noticed you stepped over uh Jesus there without really giving him too much thought but oh [__] yeah uh he does have to bring himself lower than anyone else in the room in

Order to show you what being humble really means I can I just say I love the fact that so there there’s been this is the third Last Supper but they’ve been very different no this is no no no this is the last supper oh we’re the last ones

The last this is the final supper you can’t be the last supper if you’re the first supper do you understand but you put okay so so lwig had chairs representing people and then food on the table you have the picture and then food in front of each person yeah it it it

It’s like a exercise in sort of um making the the the picture pop out like like a 3D book oh it’s 3D okay this is a 3D image yeah like in in the Last Supper there’s no chairs on this side of the table what’s going on here okay I know

That what you’re thinking but hear me out who is that that is uh Neo from The Matrix okay Neo the word Greek for new Jesus New Testament Neo the one the chosen one who else is the chosen one I ask you Jesus so of course he’s invited oh so he’s

Invited I like that that’s good that gives you some points here now unfortunately there’s not unleavened bread uh in house flipper 2 yet so we did give them what we had available at the time hopefully they will forgive us and we have grapes presented for each person to start

Making and fermenting uh their own wine which is pretty straightforward you just need to you know add yeast keep it warm mash it with your feet first and it it might it might take a while but the the ingredients are there well I I I will

Say that so lwig had the gamer Last Supper uh Conor’s pants had the like well lit mural and you’ve got this one so have you noticed the uh the chairs on the end yeah one of them is red do you know who else in scripture is commonly read

The devil do you know who was inspired by the devil to betray Jesus at the Last Supper Judas that’s judas’s chair oh so who’s in the pink chair uh that’s for Neil okay all right cool all right anything outside anything on the outside anything on uh don’t listen Jesus was a

Very humble man who lived humbly he has said that it is harder for a rich man to get to heaven than it is for him to go through the it’s harder to go through the eye of a needle than to go to Heaven okay he has to give away all of his

Possessions and give them to the poor so we have honored that and tried to live minimally minimalistically I I I like the story I think the story is carrying this a lot uh I would I would have I I understand the theme of of you know minimalist on the

Outside but I’m going to I got to think I got a score for you my grade somewhere is it going to be a b it’s going to be going to say sell some of what you own he said sell all that you own and distribute the money to

The poor well he’s got a gamer which is what we did he’s he’s got gamer people of chat who are starving for plus tws somebody just said you can’t give Jesus A B all right chat what are you giving I’m giving I’m giving an 80 it’s at least a b I’m giving

80 I think I’m just going straight straight up 85 I think I’m just going straight up 85 all right right now welcome to the Future um what are you looking at oh you’re looking at the the the okay is there more why is there more why is there more why is there

More why did you why did you why did you build why did you build more wait I actually don’t know how that that uh that brick got outside it was not like that earlier I I okay so where where am I starting let’s start in the uh the whichever Tower you prefer okay

Let’s start with this one all right okay okay all right so if you if you enter uh through the door which is uh they’re all the garage doors I got very inspired by poke last time I loved them uh and so it’s oh it’s already open oh oh is

It oh no oh there we go oh God you got it these are the so me and car were racking our brain we were thinking what is the most you know important Tech Stop opening my doors okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to come up here yeah right you could

Just oh my can’t get god dude you what the [__] is okay all right I don’t want to cut you off go on look around look around take it a l okay there are so remember remember the theme with this one was techn iCal advancements yeah I’d like to hear a

Little bit about that theme as we go yeah so you know a lot of the time was spent really just familiarizing myself with the game mechanics um but we you know me and Conor were talking not to throw Conor into the bus here but uh we were trying to discuss what were the

Most important technological advancements and so we we were trying to make a timeline on our head and we had Thomas Edison and then we had the lwig saon and we didn’t really have much else okay but but um so so so you’re saying that there’s Thomas Edison Light Bulb and then

Lwig everything else in between was there nothing happened there was some other stuff too there was for example I don’t know where Conor sourced this image which one which image going how did you get how did you did you get George Bush drinking lean oh well it’s

Simple you go to an AI image generator and you put like 43rd president drinking purple drink out of two sty cups Jesus okay all right so I’m I’m keep going okay okay but obviously in between that there’s Balloons Tower Defense 6 which is a huge Landmark for gaming um

We have the Cyber truck uh which will revolutionize trucks Y and then we have the RuneScape grand grand uh exchange which kind of really invented the economy there was no no economy before okay um you got you Mr be here well that that I I don’t know where

I found that but that was this was just an image that I found on on Google pretty quickly it was Mr Beast one of his videos where he’s doing free candy so what what’s what’s going up here um well you know I felt like the house was kind of empty and I didn’t

Really feel lived in and so I wanted to make sure that that was a a gaming area why did you build so watch [__] okay all right so there’s a gaming area and lots of of of you’ve got a lnch of PL Jets here okay and You’ got and you

Got this is a gamer setup he’s a model jet Enthusiast a PC and I didn’t know that was all I could kind of figure out to to build um okay so we can go check out the other Tower if you like oh my goodness I just m through the world I’m

Good okay so here’s the other Tower this is the other building this one got a lot less love but this one’s theme was kind of uh it was kind of my favorite my favorite things these are all my these are obviously technological advancements too which are technological advancements the connect the well yeah

The connect I Miku that’s that’s true yeah it’s Miku doing a concert we have uh the Nintendo DS we have the connect uh if you go up you’ll see some more okay you got the Virtual Boy we’ve got the the another is that another DS no that

That’s the uh that’s the Nintendo micro which is a failed console unfortunately didn’t quite catch on that’s too bad only because people didn’t want to play like they were ants so you so you guys you guys went with like more of like a hey like the kind of the important

Technological advancements of our time which is mostly Nintendo consoles and Nintendo failed consoles yeah stuff too it’s not just Nintendo just happened to [__] up a lot uh but that you know the connect is there the uh the Gizmodo is there the Ouya wait what’s the Ouya oh that was

Ouya I had an Ouya I I didn’t put it in what is this one it’s a really good Indie console like Jetpack Joy R that’s that’s the Nokia exclusive gaming phone which was a huge flaw I think I think I have a grade for you guys I don’t know I don’t know if

You’re going to like it I well I you know I I think I turned up you this is is okay I’m going to give you some points because you you built you built structure uh although I’m going I’m going to take points away from that because you weren’t supposed to so you

So you gain points and your lost points so I I have I have a grade for you here and I’m re all right we get chat here two steps forward one step back or like one step forward two steps back I would say that’s probably one

Step forward and one and a half steps back oh okay yeah that seems right that’s fine that’s fair that’s fair all right so I am I’m fighting between because of the potential potential potential disqualification because of the building right but I would say I’m going to have to give you

Guys that is a it’s EI it’s either a c minus or a D+ and I’m trying to figure out which one we our names start with C your your names do start with C I’m going to go with C minus I’m going to give you a 71 okay and honestly Miku saved

You if Miku was not on this wall that is a 68 it was a good call it was a good call I’ll take it I’ll take it that’s fair uh chat gave you a c see chat give you 75 before you turn around let me give a little bit of background

Sure so lewick and I put together some advanced technology did a little uh you know AI Tech added it into the building and I just want to let you know that 30 seconds before we exported this thing stood up on its own and started moving away no building no changing happened on

Our part at all it’s the original house it’s just the technology but go ahead okay oh [__] we tried to keep it exactly like you first made it germa but sometimes technology gets away from you wow that’s [__] awesome all all right but then this is the this is the exact same house

As before yeah it’s the same House what what actually Powers the robot is is a little bit of life right it’s a meaningful symbolism right you can’t fully make it a robot it still needs to be powered by some kind of living being and that’s why that tree is the heart of it all started with just

One seed inside of him yeah what is right what’s this is this what you mean right right if you look inside think of it kind of like Wall-E you know where he protects that little seed same thing here oh yeah okay this is okay I this is great this is great um

Let me get I’m going to go out here are these washing machines Advanced technological washing machines yeah got these like fridges and be sure to check out his nose it is in theme oh it’s a carrot you made like a you made like a technologically advanced snowman Merry Christmas JMA okay so

Absolutely wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful I do have to be fair to the last team there was extra building here you you you put a couple of walls up but because because I love the technologically advancement theme I love the way that you guys work together on

This this is an a this is somewhere in the A’s it’s just it just is because it has to be uh there’s no there’s no amount of points to to deduct from this to make it not an a uh but anyways and B you did keep the

House the the house is the same house right yep yep exactly the same you just like moved it up and maybe we didn’t move it actually no it it was on the ground and we lged out oh yeah and it walked away okay stood up we tried to

Change nothing here but sometimes Tech gets away from you what’s this your voucher for entering the park so actually I would pick that up before you leave just so you don’t L her uh this this is this is this is a god this

Is high a this is like a a this like a 90 something this like a 97 96 or something this is great uh I’m going to say it’s like a 90 and the story too like the house just got up and walked away it’s about the but the building you added extra building

Parts okay I’m going to give you a 90 I want to give you like a 98 but I can’t I got to give you a 93 what well hold on hold on the exra building that was done is primarily appliances right the house itself basically the same thing you could give a golden

Head how’d you go from 97 996 I want to give you 98 to 93 where that number I just want to know the this the about you get there all right I will give you I will give you a 96 but I need lwi to do a Marge Simpson

Are you getting bullied into raising the score could I is that a thing we can do now no lwig is willing to do whatever it takes to get that 96 I want to give you a 98 but I’m going to give you a 96 homie homie give that was pretty good

Actually yeah you get 96 97 yeah all right that is a 96 from me what does chat Chad give it a 95 oh damn all right you got this a good score okay ger looks like he’s buzzing brilliant so like I said it’s an art piece but a little bit of context the

World well Humanity as a whole has gotten too greedy techn technological advancements they’re growing way too quickly it’s ended in nuclear warfare the world has shattered it’s pieces this right here is the last Beacon of Hope this building right here contains Humanity’s last weapon in an attempt to

Rebuild Society if you would like to enter holy [__] all right I’m ready it’s currently a work in progress a survivors have to travel from different Islands to get to this location but this is Brian our beta resistance Yankee assistant Neo Neo for is Greek the new he is here to build new

America that’s my pitch okay I I love the okay the technological advancement I love how we’re going with like kind of robots moving around I will say you built this in the house so that’s very great uh I love the robot I think it’s phenomenal

Uh can you go maybe a little bit what these TV screens are like is this well I it’s more so cuz again Humanity has gone back to what would be the Dark Ages is in our time well it’ll be our time to basically so this is what

They use to program the the robot they still have touch screens that’s what the TVs are for they still have some technology but most of it has been wiped out I see I see and this is the the frame here this is a is this a a

Bookcase I can’t remember I kept losing it but it’s all they had to work with and I think it’s going quite well for them all right I like it this is great this is a wonderful job I think it’s a I think it’s Stellar I the only criticism that I have

Really I’ve got maybe one is ceiling is Bare The Brick well well see that’s the thing they uh used the bookcase they didn’t have any ladders they used the book case to actually you know build the body of the robot they could use it to replace the ceiling I see okay okay it’s

A good answer I I think this is I think this is is a pretty good B I think this is a b I’m going to give 80 8 84 84 I think is it’s like solist B I think it’s great okay thank you Chef what is what is chat going to give let’s

See Chad what is it chat is giving an 85 extra building extra building all right are you guys ready yes okay so first of all I want to say this uh now uh chat is judge jury and executioner here and I will gladly take a hit for doing this

But I’ll give you a quick story about this okay I thought this was this event was tomorrow and uh as I come home for the today JMA says everybody ready and I say no I don’t I don’t even have the game yet so I install it 10 minutes in

And jerma’s like all right here’s how you do it here’s how you do it okay and I I freak out and I’m like I don’t know how to do anything so jerma was like all here how you do it okay anyway my point is um so there was a glitch in the game

And we talked about this beforehand Uh custom images in this adds a Json file right like JSA o n now when I exported this into the the server uh the custom images did all work so I had to upload it twice and I added a

Hole um in this map and now chat if you want to take points off I fully admit to it but it won’t matter cuz this house sucks anyway okay so should I start at the I’m going to start at the front door okay so the the whole point of this was

Technological advancements right yep so uh basically I started off I was talking to about Vinnie like what should we do here I I have an idea let’s be caveman about it let’s build the house from scratch and see how technology has evolved and I thought it was dinner

Themed still and then I realized it wasn’t so I I put cement down first and then I realized it’s not dinner theme but I put a plate in anyway so that doesn’t matter so my point is went from building a cement [__] house into thinking how has technology advanced how

Is houses built in the future and if you step outside if you step outside you will see what I mean another house ladies and gentlemen Minecraft the most technological Behemoth of the 21st century is here in house flipper all I like it I like it I like it what is happening

Here but what is I need I need an explanation of what is going on in front of me right now that’s Steve uhhuh that’s Minecraft Steve that’s Minecraft Steve okay did you see the bed what is going on here that’s Steve what is going on I know it’s Steve but

What is what is happening to Steve you played Minecraft you you did gerac craft and you don’t recognize your own thing wait what what’s what is I believe it’s alfredo sauce I’m not 100% sure listen listen here’s my rhetoric here right so the whole thing was cement

There’s a bunch of cement there here cuz I was building everything and with the with the cement that I was building I was thinking you know cement gets hard and my brain gets harder too so that’s why I had to improvise a lot of this stuff now if you look up straight up

God damn it dude that’s that’s good okay so uh that’s a great house I like I like happy to be on the ceiling yep um let me just take one more look in here uh so I I love your story no no no no no no you’re not done yet okay I’m

Just going to say this I’m just going to say this uh again this is additional [__] and chat deduct points if you want cuz we had to configure some [__] but because the Minecraft thing was going on like how else can I incorporate Minecraft into this by the way you

Missed a my pickaxe inside the house and I worked really hard on that um but my point is outside outside you’ll find a hole and I want to simulate the Minecraft experience so if you go around the the the place here you’ll find a hole oh

[__] it’s a creeper oh no no no no not that hole not that hole not that hole not that hole which one there no no no no there hole no no go don’t look at that it’s it’s defy no no no there’s a hole no no go back no no stop going that

Way why you doing this wrong I worked so badly on this okay all right where do I go right look right 90° okay so over here the Mind sector so I didn’t have time cuz I I was I was uh trying to do Minecraft but I didn’t realize I can’t

Paint the word Minecraft so [Laughter] so anyway around the whole area uh on the right side um of the wall there’s there’s a clue there’s a little quiz there’s a quiz yeah yeah yeah it’s on the wall oh okay I see the quiz and the winner is follow the signs

It’s behind the creeper okay the winner is me I win you’re the winner I’m feeling like a winner myself right now actually uh okay this uh I okay let me be very very honest I love this I love this house but it I’m I’m missing a little bit of the

Interior here I’m I’m I’m missing a little bit of paint I know you had the Minecraft theme because that paint why would you have paint it’s would makes complete sense uh I love the story I love the comedic timing I love the comedy it’s you don’t have to lie to me Jeremy

You don’t have to lie to me I like you you can say it’s dog [__] it’s not lie but it really isn’t no that isn’t a dog [__] it really isn’t it’s not a dog [__] it’s like the contrast of the advancement from caveman to digital

Caveman that’s true you o yeah it’s very it’s artistic all right I I am going to I am going to give I’m going to give it’s it’s at least a c at least a c I think it’s I your story was so funny and like the

Fall in the hole and it didn’t F that’s like oh I this one’s hard but I can’t I’m just going to say this I’m just going to say this depending on what score you give it’s going to radically change the ending of Vinnie and I’s collaborative effort and Vin doesn’t

Even know about the so uh I’m going to give you an 80 watch out I’m going to give you an 80 okay can you make it 78 to the duct that I went over this [__] sucks I’ll give you I’ll give you I’ll give you 79 holy [__] chat gave you a 95

You got a 95 take that score down chat take that score down okay wow that brought you up to that brought you to just cuz [__] me over here looks like a [__] Amish substitute teacher doesn’t mean that we should feel pity for him calm down take that [__]

Score down this house is crap okay [__] this house nobody likes this house be honest okay I I think you sold them on the story I think that’s what it was no so germa the prompt being technological advancement you know that’s something that I think is continuous it’s not a

Snapshot in time so what I wanted to represent was sort of a symbolic Take On The Prompt so go go ahead and turn around okay and you’re instantly struck with a strong metallic futuristic front and now please feel free uh whenever you want to take a look around o each each

Symbol is representative of the advancement of humanity the two pillars on one side the monkey one of our closest primates keep walking around the Brickstone wall for what is humanity without our elements and wielding them into a structure that we can Abode in please continue okay and finally the flower

Representing a new life using our you know using the materials to Blossom if you will now go ahead and go to the entrance please okay excellent now I I want you to describe your emotion instantly uh fear that’s exactly right because the fear is the fear of the unknown and the future I

Want to represent technology if you look at the left hand side there’s a fan and what does fan technologically evolve into an air conditioner he’s absolutely right that’s right and if you look up you can see that those are the three rings of light that’s just for a lighting germa okay

That’s actually have no symbolis no that’s just that’s that’s aesthetic but it means for the you know it actually means the light how much light the technological improvements bring into own life you know what I mean the three rings of light I got you I got

You obviously come on get real you think that doesn’t mean anything what’s going on here with the mushroom the mushroom is basically the fruits of our labor like Man created AC and that is that mushroom is enjoying the Cool Breeze created by work of mankind okay very

Very interesting I like the I like the educational aspect of this one this is educational all right where should I go for now if you go ahead and look straight now you’re going to see in front of you a rock right on the floor uhhuh a brick

Right in the middle and then on the right the monolith from the two 2001 Stanley kubric Space Odyssey okay you’ve seen that you’ve seen that uh film haven’t you oh yeah absolutely so that’s also an evolution of tools which is essential for mankind and technological Improvement wouldn’t you agree I would

Absolutely agree yes thank you so much and then up ahead you can also see um the three pillars and that this is supposed to be representative of Heaven um or the afterlife the yin and the Yang you know the the heaven and hell um now there’s a speaker system as well because

You know who doesn’t love some Jason morz or something you know I don’t want right of course get real okay now go ahead and turn to the right for the the final right to the right yes similar situation old school CRT melee tournament monitor evolving into a OLED Sony 76 in

TV that’s technology germa that is at most 30 in well you know I it depends how big the human is everything smaller in the future that’s right thank you than you I like it that’s right Sav this is great I I love the we’re advancing here this

This is fantastic I love it thank you so much what is what is going on here what is this so so that’s supposed to represent ashes you know because this is supposed to be like the Heaven and Hell and a lot of people believe in like you

Know burning a body afterwards so I wanted to give them representation I think representation is very important uh when we’re talking about humanity and this I’m imagining is cars are now huge yes because as a western civilization has progressed you know cars have become bigger and bigger and

That’s just sort of a that’s sort of like a clean energy statement if you will you know I hate getting political yeah so I thought this was that in the future cars were going to be like as big as houses mhm well maybe that is you know we haven’t we’re never really in

The future germa the future is always tomorrow so who knows what about this that’s a flower nice all right uh this that was great that I would say that was that was a fantastic presentation presentation wise you were at an A+ presentation wise A+ I think oh wait a germa can I actually

Add one more thing I forgot to tell you sure homie homie is that you homie so go ahead continue who was that that was Marge Simpson that was Mar simp that was oh I was are you Kidd me for a second I I’ve been practicing I

Saw a YouTube video about how to do it that was okay so that was for two points if you did Mar Simpson impression I’m going to remove one point okay because that was just it was just awful uh say one more thing there was a little bit of

Intentionality with the design here if you back up and look at the exterior of the piece okay um there’s trim around the roof and uh we wanted to evoke the idea of a checkered flag because where they use checkered Flags they use it in at the end of races is it possible that

Our technological advancement could be the end of the human race or is this the starting line just something to think about while you peruse the exhibit wow wow that was W that’s right uh I I think that I’m going to have to give you yeah chat gave you a 95 which is the

I’m floating around somewhere between 90 and 95 I’m going to go 95 I’m just going 95 thank you 95 95 you guys are at a 95 right now okay so you know aside from you know Northern and S weeks being the mafia and robbing our last build and stealing this idea um

So we can just get whoa what H this is like a this the void of the house actually this is the that’s where the other employees oh wow this is wow okay this is cool I like this yeah so this is our Museum of Technology of mankind mind and this is

Uh the futuristic technology Museum and its name is return to the Sea okay so um as you can see we’ve decorated it with monkeys to symbolize Humanity something that squeaks a northern um Rob from us but hey it’s it’s it’s a smart play it’s

A smart idea yes so as you can see if you if you walk into this glorious Museum you’ll immediately notice that um thank you for closing the door by the way the air there gets L out it’ss really expensive the AC yeah so we’ve got a display here so this is actually

The middle so if you go over um straight across just straight over here where that rock is and you just turn to your right and there it is this is the beginning the the beginning of all humankind beginning from The Rock our very first tool and then as you can see

We moved on to fire humans inv unfortunately we we couldn’t figure out the fire but the candle could have fire on it symbiz it’s it’s representing it’s symbolizing fire y yes and then we moved on to our first tools so that’s what the toolbox symbolizes we don’t know about the

Toolbx or a tackle box for fishing but that’s just imagine still same there and uh here we have um the wheels the we invented the wheels okay oh cool all right I like it which also caused a lot of accidents so that’s why that’s there and then

Metal right I SP you yeah well this was uh this was iron yeah that’s iron which you pump you know and uh that’s that’s thing discovering different types of metals you know as we’re going on through the technological advancements of time sure uh you know they discover these different materials obviously we

Started with Rock and you saw the wood actually at the beginning with the tree stump um oh the wood yep the Earth yeah so we had that as well and then and then we move on to electricity interesting Thomas Edison uh invented electricity yeah which we skipped a

Couple years here but we knew you were going to be short on time you know cuz we were trying to consolidate things we were trying to keep it as brief as possible for you these are the warm up why we came so well prepared these are

Warm-up builds you know now you guys you guys got some you guys got some experience now mhm and then if you zoom in you’ll notice a train train oh it is a little train and and next to that is a the steam engine yes oh yeah that was the

Steam engine yeah it’s crazy that they actually had a steam engine in house flipper 2 and that’s just really like what what this game brings to the table is actually incredible and as we continue on our tour we start becoming more technologically advanced and as you

Can see here we have the airplane and the car and a satellite dish and satellite dishes for uh internet the beginning of the internet and Ai and so as we continue on if you continue on you will notice that there is a telephone here that you can use to

Call for help if you ever needed this is another invention and if you continue on you will notice I I love how your voice is changed wait the wait the toaster my voice didn’t change this is just my regular voice okay so then we have the

Toaster the toaster is in front of the internet well this is a better toaster than the the one that was made before the internet oh okay but this is like this toaster is Wi-Fi enabled this is to symbolize the invention of sliced bread Which only happened after the internet mhm that is true uh toasted bread didn’t even be wasn’t even a thing till like at least not with Wi-Fi not without not with Wi-Fi they SP the bread having Wi-Fi in it is like that’s coming soon probably so yeah well that happened with you know the

5G all right so this is iPad a laptop yes a laptop actually and um a cell phone and a microwave and then the future so I yeah let’s talk about this a little bit the this is life the next thing that you can see here this actually symbolizes

The future this is something that we haven’t experienced yet in our you know our current timeline and then this here is where we come back from Ai and Humanity we become human again and we actually devolve back to our former State the fish and we return to the Sea

Which I believe that all of Humanity will eventually do fulfilling our prophecy of returning from AI to the Sea and this is the SE yes and this is I love I like how the lobsters are like going into the water this is no this symbolizes the death of humanity oh oh

[__] and the beginning of something new which is our life returning to the Sea so that’s pretty much much the extent of this so this is technological advancement in uh in Easy exhibit easy to view we hope you enjoyed your tour so the squeaks and Norine version was not necessarily Museum as as

Much as it was a sort of a this this is like every stage of humanity oh my God I just punched the microphone I’m so sorry this is every stage of humanity yes um this is this is the our history this is everything this is everything that we have been everything

That we are and everything that we will be and as you can see it’s a bunch of junk but it’s beautiful all cluttered together and the ending of returning to the sea is the main portion here that we’ve Incorporated with the environment yeah I I like the ending

Here I like returning to kind of like the void it’s nice uh all right I think I think I got I think I know what I’m going to give you I think you guys got some pretty good warm-up rounds I’m I’m actually reallying looking forward to

See what you guys do for the real the real build the 90minut let’s go hype build uh I am going to give you I’m going to give you I’ll give you you know I’m going to give you a solid I you know I like the

Story I’m going to give you a C I’m going to give you I’m going to give you a c you will regret that I probably will it should be a d but thank you well I think that will squeak and well and I and I’m very grateful for this obviously

Sir your graciousness but squeak sand Northern did get an A and they weren’t even a museum and their [__] didn’t really make and they stole our wallpaper and so did they actually steal it did they come in and say hey I know what you’re doing probably because they could have

Taken it while we weren’t looking well regardless of any thievery this is the second time you’ve been robbed that’s kind of ridiculous uh I’ll give you I I’m going to give you a 70 I’m going to give you a 70 I’m going to give you C minus can I

Get a mar Simpson for two extra points uh oh Homie we need to get braces for Lisa yes please give us Bonnie that is an old woman I’m G to keep it at 70 no I’ll give you 71 I’ll give you 71

71 71 oh 72 do you got an 8 you got an 85 from chat you guys got a B from chat you guys are at 75 total grade chat’s a bunch of crackheads we that should have been a after our voices that should

About a a 64 yeah yeah so I I wanted to take the idea and do a little bit different uh because the the theme is technology and it was my thought that the more advanced technology gets the more we want to retreat from it you know

You’re on Twitter all day you see Elon Musk you someone’s talking about Ai and people using AI in their house flippers and they’re not getting points deducted for it even though that’s kind of like cheating and using you know you know what I’m talking about so I made a

Classic witches hut if you turn around and take a take a breath of the scenery as we all return to paganism and the old ways and we depart from technology what the [__] dude okay all right so this is a departure from technological advancements yes absolutely because once

Technology becomes too inyour face you really need to retreat go live in the woods uh and find your own way and before you open the door as you walk up to the main entrance you hear from inside ow homie welcome home oh poke were you just about to do

It no I heard my toe what oh wait he’s he tried I’ll consider giving you the points I’m thinking about it mine was good I little little teammate uh you know okay I’m in the front all right well as we we enter the home uh we find that as we Retreat from

Technology we realize we actually just wanted it the whole time and we really just want to be alone with it we have our gamer den and all our pizza boxes we’ve had delivered uh sort of are all over the place our soda cans left uh so it’s it’s a it’s a retreat from

Technology but not at all we you actually really can’t Retreat from technology once you get out here the 5G actually reaches here you look at your phone you still have Uber Eats so still got all this stuff uh you really just you you’re stuck the Wi-Fi reaches uh

You may notice on the desk we have uh about 30 copies of Final Fantasy uh cuz uh yeah we realized there was like a refer a friend system and we had to just keep like like referring friends but we don’t have friends so we had to buy the

Copies oursel cuz we’re alone we’re a Hermit in the woods so there’s a little workarounds you can do for like The Oddities of technology and you can find your own way very cool I see I see a I see a Miku up here what’s wrong with

Miku that gets you points oh oh good I thought you were a Miku hater I was misunderstanding I have to really say this because people are just going to put [__] meiku pictures everywhere in the in the actual big build I that I’m I’m going to retract that statement if

You put meiku in if you have like a meiku room don’t even don’t don’t you dare cuz now people are going to be like Oh I’m going to get extra points why do Miku don’t do that yeah everyone loves a good hobbit hole all right this is great um what’s going on

Here uh that’s a little bit of my first Sona the I figure the witch has one at this point cuz we’re in the future before they retreated it into a seclusion they did have to become a furry for the tax credits okay and I know there’s something you’re

Going to like uh there’s a little there’s a little bug next to the keyboard on the left of the keyboard there’s a little bug there uh this this this is a bug Friendly House it’s hard to see it’s a tiny little buggy back there behind all the the stacks of Final Fantasy

Wa there’s a little bug that’s cool all right I I here are my thoughts thought number one the outside is absolutely stunning like this is a 100 thank you thank you this is probably the one of the probably one of the better outsides that we have seen so far this

Is a 100 for the outside I I really like what you’re doing in here fu yeah sorry I love what you’re doing in here but I I I would have liked to see a just a a little bit more maybe Furniture here’s the you you want to I I’ll tell

You the truth a lot of people give me the [__] all day there was so many uh dirt on the ground I couldn’t place a mattress in the last final minute you couldn’t it didn’t fit so I I think I don’t know all you really need is the

Game if I’m honest if I have to back it up you only need the game how what what else you can do you got Final Fantasy yeah what about anything else on the other side this looks like you you did sculpting of the land that’s yeah yeah

That’s I mean that’s that’s just like the highest I can give you out here I think I I really like the inside I like how they kind of retract but then we’re not actually retracting from technology we can’t get away from it yep that’s that’s a great story I think it’s a

Statement really uh I you might I think so Chad is giving you a grade right now I will give you mine too my grade for you stir mhm oh wait wait wait hold on wait hold on before you say your score okay uh don’t I get bonus points because I only

Found out that I was supposed to do this last night and I also have never played house flipper before uh I’m going to remove one point for complaining so you got I’m going to give you a 90 that outside is so [__] good it just really is it’s just so good that’s a

90 dude the outside is just the outside is just I guess it’s a 99 because of the minus one point I did the I did the Marge I had meiku man like what what am I missing yeah I know but you can’t you never you can’t get a perfect score

That’s just not going to happen yeah that’s why it’s a 99 it’s a 97 should be 98 but Well I mean but look at this outside dude come on like you know it’s not fair you’re an artist how is that not fair this is an artistic event you’re a real artist I haven’t drawn anything in like two years all right awesome very very well done

Excellent uh good sh yeah see you in the finals all right so first of all I want to say for extra points I can’t accommodate 100% but I offer you this another classic household wife hey there I’ll present to you my house of the future I present to you now

Imagine the year is 2074 pooping has never been harder Society has moved to expand on the feces industry capitalizing on the human struggle in need to squeeze now if you enter the facility you see many chairs where people can present themselves as the scat offering those who watch it’s a place of

Comfort it pushes technology beyond what we are used to these are the industrial flushes on the wall here as you can see they’re built to flush Max the feal buildup there’s also a poop scalpel placed on the toilet which is used to sever the offerings this is a lengthy and painful

Experience oh and thus the scat doome is an offering a place of comfort and soulless a gathering of others if you will truly a technological advancement we overlooked in our modern lives I love the the typ titanium [__] on the wall that’s great yeah yeah so you know germa we we wanted to

Extrapolate and really meditate on Trends in the future now in the future of course all food will be paced and so the most lavish and extravagant thing a person in the future can do is take a um solid bowel movement so we have a bowel performer or turd artist who sits on the

Throne while another performer uses the drillo uh to perform a sounding Dance Now the cuck chairs around the room I’m sorry Offing so these are these are [__] chairs yeah to to to showcase the shst if you will yes those are dear God [__] chairs so this is so okay go go on sorry I don’t want to interrupt yeah and and the PO chisel because sometimes the artists

Turds are so dense that they can uh they can only be distracted by using it you could almost call this a ritualistic experience where if you have to use the poop scalpel you can offer it to the viewers they can pass it around like an incense and take a Sniff and pray for

The f future I I have to say I got to say I love the fact that I The Prompt was technological advancements and we got a scat room with a bunch of cuck chairs oh my God that’s [__] funny but it works somehow this works well like this works really this is working

For me really well it just is we’re glad we’re very glad that we can bring our vision of the future to you thank you I’m glad you see a similar future for mankind what’s what’s going on here on the on this side I don’t know futuristic Ambience this is

Probably what the neighborhoods will look like back then I mean in in the future yeah that is the uh that’s the cuck scaffold so you can also watch theoretically there’ll be many many buildings the it’ll it’ll be a skyscrapers so those are how you know in

New York City you know you got to C craw up to the from the neighborhood uh that’s the gas power I was going to say do I dare ask what this is it’s the scat energy a renewable source okay I think I know what you guys again in the future all electricity runs

On people are going to get mad at this grade but whatever uh this is at Le this is an a it no it is because it’s I mean it’s [__] ludicrous right but yeah it’s the story it’s the fact it’s it’s the fact that you took the naughty and

Actually made it naughty even though you weren’t really supposed to but yeah the the future I I I think this is this is a solid this is like a 90 this is like a 93 94 yeah this is a you did the you did a March Simpson you did I’m going to give

94 oh homie thank you for the 94 all right now it’s a 95 cuz that was actually that was actually that was unbelievable that’s a 95 now no what I say 94 very very good chat also gave you a 95 yeah KRA do you have the floor oh help me welcome home turn

Around take a good look at our beautiful abod it it may be um a bit smaller than you remember but come on in the uh technological advancements have really come a long way Welcome to our gamer house homie Simpson all right on the left you will see various

Electronical uh gizmos and gadgets of all kinds because you know and I think that’s a stove top on the bottom of the of the of the floor I was going to ask is that is that a stove yeah no I couldn’t find like a a proper kitchen

Cabinet but also I think we’re going to be heating things up on the floor it’s kind of like its own form of heating oh like like the music we’re going to start like bumping like we’re we’re heating up yeah we’re heating up first of all uh

You have I’m not going to give you any points because that was toad [__] you’re right that was toad that was a little high pitched there all right was it was a little high but it was still a great effort though actually I’m going to give you one point if

Italic brings in the Homer I can I can mirror that with with March but he needs to he needs to help me out there what else that I wasn’t cast as Homer I was you know okay fair enough uh okay so this is you know male living

Space was kind of our Vibe we wanted to kind of show what all streamers rooms are like kind of at the end of the day we’ve got like the Hobby Corner which you know is to say just a mixer um all of the Uber Eats deliveries uh kind of

Goes in like the nice food Corner over there um we have a nice kind of metal box to retain the heat coming off of the PC we also want to emphasize that the Advent of Technology does lead to an marked increase in waste so we’ve represented that with the Pizza Corner

Interesting okay that and unlike some of the other houses out there we did fit in the mattress there is technically a sleeping space um it is a little infested there piss all over this that’s no no that that’s uh that’s the pH yeah little co*ckroaches but um got to

Watch out the Springs though they’re friends though oh this is the bugs oh you had multiple bugs plus points multiple bugs um and then of course we’re we’re playing our new favorite game house flipper 2 that just released today on uh December 14th 14th thank you very much

And uh so you can play it right now if you want you just go go download it it is out now yeah on the right we have the bathroom um oh this is the this is the bathroom yeah labeled uh in case uh you missed it we don’t have cuck chairs but

I guess you could use the couch um because I know you’re into that germa so at least God damn it there’s something out there um we have a cool poster that’s kind of futuristic energy um have you looked up I think oh yeah that’s yeah the is skylights right and

You know we have some inspirational pictures here of like kind of a cyber Punk future at night all the lights glow from like your LED tower computer I love the window represents the uh the solar powered future ah okay I I like it this is great I have

One note the only note I have is it’s more of like a note overall does everybody else think it’s funny or like interesting that every depiction of a streamer is like a disgusting [__] slob it’s like yes oh so this this remember this is like where the gamer

Room this it’s like what we’re all just such gross slobs apparently art imitates life I slept on a mattress on the floor with no box springs for over three years it’s clean it’s very like clean lines cleanly made that’s just a fact say say it

Again I I said you can verify that I slept on a mattress for like 3 years oh you did yeah on the ground yeah yes yeah did accurate uh if you don’t know tal I used to live together and uh he did sleep on a mattress on the ground it was

A very it was a nice mattress though it wasn’t like a messed up one it was a nice mattress I love the glass ceilings I one little small problem I have with the glass ceilings okay is uh what this is what how how do you think the bugs got

In the house is in California or somewhere tropical right as you can tell we were using a foundation provided by the showrunners that did not include central heat and air so the only way to get the heat of the computer computer out of the house is by venting heat

Rises as you know so that’s why we left the gaps above yeah it’s like a i you can see like the lip of the roof where it’s like oh all right so that’s with the paint I love it all right I think I got it I

Think I know uh I I very much enjoy it I enjoy the burglar system if you turn to your right the only house I think showed today that actually we’ve already seen one team unfortunately get robbed technological advancement yeah we wanted to make sure that we protected it

Against that with our own house the [__] pizza boxes and pizza everywhere all right I got I got it I think you guys it’s solid it’s good no based on what I’ve seen on social media this isn’t even the dirtiest gamer house no no I would say this is probably

Besides this corner this is very well taken care of uh I think I’m going to give you it’s a be somewhere in the bees it’s a it’s I don’t think it’s a low be because I I like the I really like the idea here nobody nobody really did anything with

The with the roof really uh there was a couple that kind of did stuff with the roof but you guys like changed the the roof entirely to like a glass kind of sky like roof there’s also an allinone house like you have everything you need

Here to actually live here um in like a in like a house flipper tournament I’m not sure that you could actually live in or in Abit any of the previous homes probably not I think this is It it’s it’s a it’s a solid B it’s like an 85 84 what did chat say Chad what do you got Chad is 85 okay yeah we’re R right on the money that’s 80 I think it’s an 85 solid B remember this is these are only 10% of your final

Grade the final build is 80% of your whole grade so those of you everybody please come up to the main Channel now please because we got all of our grades let’s take a look at where things stand right now none of this matters none of this means anything if you have the

Highest grade or the lowest grade who gives a [__] it doesn’t mean anything half these grades are just made up anyways all right so I’m going to warn you right now buddy I’m going to warn you right now I’m going to warn you right now JMA through this entire stream

I’ve been planning my magnum opus through doing logic this logic is going to maybe let this team win I mean congratulations to everybody else but it’s going to be brain games towards the end and nobody’s applied brain games yet so okay for the rest of you guys utilize

His weakness that’s all I’m going to say brain games damn logic okay all right I don’t I don’t think you’re meant to weaken the judge oh I am let’s just say this everything that jerma said tonight is going to rank up and score for me you’ll

See you’ll see hey warning you we will see because this is this is the real the big one this is it’s 90 minutes so you’ve got you’ve got a while to actually work together and make something real this first it was supposed to be like 2 hours and 20

Minutes we’re at about 3 hours and 10 minutes so we’re a little bit over but that’s the way it is hope everyone’s having a good time but now let’s start this build remember very very important I know a few people a couple people already are building because obviously

Some people have to leave uh if you do have a hard out if you have to get out of here in the next like hour you build first be the first Builder so then when you have to leave you can pass that make sure you save it pass that file not to

Me this time to your partner and then they’re going to build the rest of it I wanted to kind of slot out somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes or to be like okay after 45 minutes pass it over to your partner I am not going to be like

Where hold on a minute uh uh RT you built for uh 39 minutes and uh Ki will only no no no it doesn’t matter it’s just at some point you guys should Swap and maybe you’ll swap back who knows you should screen share to each other take

Care of each other help each other all right then without further Ado ladies and gentlemen the the real the final the actual build you’ve warmed up for a few hours you got 90 minutes begin now go to your calls begin good luck gang good luck make sure it is a good luck all

Yeah good good luck one hour and 30 minutes 10 seconds 10 seconds you got hey whatever you’re doing whatever’s on the pot Stir It and pull it off see this is just let me let me get the file oh stir it okay um so uh you can go

Ahead and keep walking here okay and uh you can turn to the right here this is our uh this is our house that we built uh I hope you enjoy it oh [__] okay all right right it’s it’s a little bit bigger uh you know it might not be

Perfectly to scale but uh this is like the Mansion uh this is like the Mansion style we realized while putting in the uh the furniture that it wasn’t to SC like a warehouse but uh yeah it was uh you know we we we tried really hard to to make it

As much as possible uh accurate this is this is great I love this mhm you can just explore honestly okay cool let me let me I’m going to go on the front door okay oh this was the front door nice oh well the side door yeah okay we might have taken some uh

Liberties uh creative Liberties right cuz we didn’t know what was behind certain walls we didn’t know so we just kind of added our owns you know imagine watching that TV from over here so we actually binocular we actually borrowed that couch from will nef um yeah so that’s

Not the same couch from the dollhouse stream it’s a different couch that we got from will nef earlier oh okay yeah but uh so we had to use that one I mean I mean obviously got to have this up there this has to be up there obviously that’s right yeah that wasn’t

At awesome uh I like the window I love these little and you figured out the windows you figured the windows out that’s perfect yeah we we figured out windows and we figured out how to recolor the doors and stuff but we never found out Curtains oh look at that I found Ken uh so actually so this picture of just laughed really loud I don’t know if you heard that the picture of you on the right is actually only like half real we AI generated like the second half of this

This what um in case you couldn’t tell yeah I uh yeah we threw that in Photoshop a i generated the bottom half yeah it actually made you taller I was going to say something looked off about this and I didn’t know what it was what am I what’s in my

Hand eyelash curlers maybe looks like a ripped up water bottle yeah it looks like like an old crinkled up like water bottle okay cool I like this this is great mhm and then here I love this you’re getting extra points because of how huge this is it’s it’s perfect thank

This is how this is how big the doll should have been right yeah it should have been uh like two Walmarts yeah okay cool we got a little pool outside too hold AI generated this one’s the real one oh okay don’t you just look like that cool love it uh-huh uh-huh very

Cool mhm okay okay uh so there’s an upstairs I saw so uh the stairs we may have forgotten to add for a second I thought these were the stairs all right I’ll fly up there it’s all good M maybe should start at the other end okay yeah yeah yep yeah like

All the way over here yeah yeah yeah the bedroom I’ll go through here oh okay oh very nice wow nice room mhm extra pretty sick uhhuh well extra extra space a bedroom we we didn’t have uh uh that much to add in this room um it was very

From anyways right yeah there was B really very cool MH Yep this is the the DIY room right MH cool so you can you can use that box I tried to get the bigger box but that was the biggest box I could find I love it so we we didn’t know what

Was in this room so in this this is this safe was back here it was like the thing you knocked out no no there’s another door room and we didn’t know what was in here so we just this is different oh God is that yeah this was just kind of here whenever

Is that doctor disrespect taking a [__] is that what’s happening yeah that that was also AI generated wait what is happening what why did they toilet paper rolls oh my God that’s so scary okay cool I this is the AI one right mhm what is all these are all the

Earns of the sacrifices this is your old body um being sacrificed so that the new more Superior germa could arise based off of all the sacrifices of all the bad Chatters that have ever been in your chat before which aren’t very many actually cuz your chat’s actually very

Nice they they can be nice they can going be nice and that’s your the new Superior you very cool well I love it I love it God yeah so uh yeah we we did our best I think we learned a lot today actually on house

Works uh let me get like a big I want to see like the whole thing from the side well I’ll tell you you’re being graded you have you have a few different grades there’s creativity philosophy structural integrity and chats grade so I can tell you right

Now if we open up the grading system let me just get like nice one more good view so creativity wise I’m going to give you guys a B+ because I feel like it and you you know you you you to you know you you you’re working to the host that’s perfect that’s

Perfect uh actually you know I’ll give you Philosophy for B+ creativity are going to give you a b structural inte rity is going to be a little bit lower considering that the rooms are are very big uh they’re a lot bigger than than I had in in the in the

Dollhouse uh so I’m going to have to give you I’m going to have to give you a it’s going to be pretty it’s a but you guys did just start playing the game two hours ago I’m going to give you a y I’ll give you I’m going to give you I’m going to

Give you a c minus for for for the structural okay so I’m I’ll give you a 70 for structural M I’m going to give you a I’m going to give you an 80 for philosophy and I’m going to give you I’ll give you a 78 no no no I’ll give

You 80 81 um 79 creativity nice and then uh chat has a grade too so here are the the so here we go yep 79 for creativity philosophy is 80 structural Integrity 70 well yes yeah and then chat’s giving you a b your grade is 77 you’re of a 77.9

Right now your final grade oh my goodness is a 76.1 that is a solid y improved let’s go no honestly you guys that that that was great you guys you guys literally trial by you know in fire right you just like literally just did it without having any

Knowledge yeah those this was really fun and uh I really appreciate it thank you thanks thanks for us yeah and I know you guys got to go like right now so hopefully you got five minutes while we get Doug Doug and lwig in here immediately and get this started right now

Thank you espan Bonnie thanks for participating it’s a pleasure G thanks a ton dude G’s take care bye everybody ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Doug dog and lwig with their house so before you open it um I know the entry to our house isn’t that fancy but it’s only up

From here okay go ahead oh my God you guys no way so this is the living room you’re going to notice we set it up with your Standard Furniture such as the sofa the living room desk and table you’re going to see a lovely rug a nice TV go

Ahead and just peruse everything we set up in this main room so should I play although you yeah you could fly through it all but I would recommend taking your time you know enjoying the scenery and remember you do have a shift yeah looks like our interior

Designing uh team did a little distance there go yeah very easy okay should I go in here or should I should I try to go up there is go in there well how you going to get to there you know of time kind of a straight line you’re going to

Have to sort of follow along the path okay got in oh wow welcome to the bathroom germa L it’s all right litu just put me back up I’m good all right to our bathroom the bathroom’s got your standard decorations we’ve got a lovely PewDiePie bathtub that you’re looking towards towels that

You can pick up along the way for it um your standard sink toilet plunger shampoo be sure to the the toilet paper rolls are very small so watch your step and just as a heads up generally it it’s much more below you than you would expect oh [__] I fell okay well I’ll

Tell you right now creativity this is through the roof like this this is this is unbelievably through the roof now I I do have kind of a bet going with my chat of whether you will fall more less than 20 times as you expl so that was at least like five okay

So we’re at three but for my channel sake let’s keep it single digits okay lot of Channel points riding on it so I’m I’m heading over here right yep that’s right yeah ooh okay the germa skip that’s never been done before and welcome to the office recation room yeah wck room

Cool uh this room’s fun cuz you get two paths is that right Doug if you’re more of a gamer then you might want to head to the right we’ve got the pool table the chess board and we’ve got some weights for you but if you’re more inclined to music and uh working out

Left path might be better for you oh man okay uh uh I’m going to go this way okay I had a lot of Channel points writing on that mod excellent choice sir excellent choice okay pry sure you’re in okay doesn’t count as a fall though very well done the count and that was

The first door clip actually I think we are seeing new speedrun strats developed in real time welcome to the Garden we’ve been doing a little exterior decorating wanted to make sure that we had some lovely nature fixtures as well home’s not complete without a garden no absolutely

Not oh sorry we meant to remove that that stump couldn’t get the landscap over quick he this is this is good for me it’s a good spot for me to jump oh double plants skip ooh I just walk up that palm tree oh there’s a hit box on palm tree yep going

To have to head to the side yeah got to go to those Hedges well trimmed anyone have fall count got to be at like eight I don’t know what you call that one miraculous oh this is the one I got I got I got screwed over by the door screw it up by

The door yeah there are two doors don’t backseat game the streamer you’re right uh game designers why the doors opening this way how am I supposed to do this it’s a great question uh Doug and our answer to that more a puzzle you it’s a puzzle you close the left one

Right you have to sort of think about how to open it in a strategic way but we don’t like to tell the player how to play we like the player to tell us how to play you know we’ll fix that in the patch whoa what what’s going

On what wait oh you’re on the palm tree you flipped your oh I’m on the palm tree okay I was wondering what happened oh [__] thank you Doug Doug that’s a great that’s a great idea okay you solve the puzzle we’re going to add achievements in the next patch but an

Achievement would pop up right there of you solve the door puzzle door puzzle succeeded and Welcome to our kitchen bone appeti eat I like the pizza I love how this all has Collision too and Chad if you’re enjoying this it will be available on Steam for

$29.99 um isn’t that right o almost got me with that one who okay this one of the harder ones Miss oh it’s it’s such a little lip isn’t it oh all right am I flying no ooh o this one is rough this one’s tricky it’s tough tough but doable strong but

Firm ooh I keep hitting my head now we didn’t necessarily do this successfully but it’s almost certainly no no we did it we did it oh did the designers complete the whole level oh the designer uh 10 times over 10 times over you know with different strategies but you know

At any point feel free to just Oh I thought that was it got it oh it is doable we did test it you’re ready we did God we’re good all right here we are and uh this is mine in Doug Doug’s bedroom cool I got bottom

Bunk It’s Kind how it kind of go was in our in our place [__] that was so crazy I tried to skip too much there’s no need to rush even though I have to leave in 2 minutes yeah even though you’re out of here in like but 60 seconds you’re probably like

Come on man take your time baby all right oh [__] that one’s hard there we go we go uh and congratulations on passing through the bedroom now you are heading up into the attic and we actually have three different doors that you can pick three paths if you will

That dictate the ending of your game experience what do you choose this is unbelievable uh path on the left is the hard path path in the middle is the path of bravery and the path on the right is the path of least resistance I just want to see what’s in there oh it

Just goes down I’m going to pick the middle one excellent choice the middle one leads to one of the most climactic endings to any video game that you will have ever seen before you go over the lip of this be sure to look down we have

A bit of a surprise for you drma it turns out that the physics in this game do something very interesting uhhuh if you fall directly onto a trampoline from this height what it bounces 2 feet whoa and that’s the ending of Doug and lwigs only up wow

Mostly up mostly up [__] uh creativity through the roof philosophy through the roof uh structural and a lot of structural Integrity if I say so that I I really don’t want to give you this but I think you guys have to get a 100 for structural Integrity that that is a 100

Out of a 100 out of 100 for structural integrity that’s what we thinking too philosophy this is very I mean creativity is oh I God I I hate to have to but you can’t you can’t give somebody a 10 h i mean you can give somebody a

Yeah you can but you can the great thing is it’s germa house flipper Invitational so you can do what you want I’m going to give you your creativity 98 and I’m going to give you your philosophy it’s just it’s it’s this is just this was great like making like a

Video game in this like come on that’s unbelievable um and actually like working this is like I love it I loved it uh I’m going to give you a I’ll give you enough let’s go straight up 94 for philosophy 94 thanks you guys absolutely killed it

Thank you so much Chef Chat has given you a 95 95 all right uh so I gave 98 for creativity and your final grade is going to be you’re at 95.4 9 oh you’re at 95.5 that’s pretty damn [__] good thank you so much wow all right Connor let’s get you in here

Thank you guys so much I know I know we’re moving people quickly but um it was a pleasure you guys are awesome thanks for coming out thank you Dr thank you thanks everybody bye Doug thank you Doug y see you lat so this is the funeral home for Connor and I this is

You’re at our funeral okay y you can turn around this is um this is the funeral home we’ve built a nice little um TCH patio some trees I I love that it’s very very slightly off like you’re a little bit higher than he is yeah you think that’s off you just

Wait till you see the rest of this oh no okay should I open the door or do you want me to see anything else out here I like the go on in go on in all right so this is this is the funeral home why why are the pews so

Far um well you know all right where should I not every funeral looks the same I mean you can just walk around look look around wherever so you got like the pews there’s our coffins up there too oh are your coffins yes that’s the that’s there’s like a toolbox over

There that that was placed by Connor um any idea of what his intentions were no I saw that and I was like I’ll get to that later um didn’t get to it later so there that’s still there but um I guess if you need tools they’re there I put

Like a melee setup in the back too like the front right corner of the room yeah over there uh we put that there just cuz I was like it’ be fun and a toothbrush that was just little create in yeah at the funeral to play Smash at

Your funeral right so that was a little creative exercise I thought I’d put in the corner cool um okay feel it there is something more in there but I think we should do that last which is the the hole in the ground that leads to hell um

Oh [__] okay oh my God all right we’ll worry about that later you can walk outside and see what we’ve put outside first um we have some trees that I placed because I found I searched tree in the tab menu and I found that you could place trees this looks great this

This is this is a good outdoor Landscaping work this is good thank you yeah and you can check the back the back is where there’s a grave that we’ve made back here yeah yeah yeah the Red Road is just a just there uh just ignore that

For now it um it’s kind of like the yellow brick road but it’s red I like I love this cuz it looks like floam thank you no we were going for that so should I follow this road I think I’m going to follow this road it doesn’t

Lead I mean yeah it actually kind of leads to where you want to go okay cool it’s a bit of a blood River um ooh it was like a river of blood yeah okay then to your right there that look right ahead that looks to be yeah that is that

Is where we buried um where we are to be buried after the service okay is in that in that hole don’t fall in it you can look in there you should look in it what’s in it I just you Know so wait are they just going to dump you into the void where that’s where we go yeah okay that’s how we dispose of ours very cool yeah you can go back in now and check out the the slide to Hell the slide to Hell mhm yeah so if I think Connor’s actually

In the call if Connor wants to unmute and uh he’s he’s a bit busy though but maybe he can explain really quickly the inspiration for hell on the on the the home I don’t know if you can hear me right now I’m train Y no you’re good we hear you loud and

Clear oh yeah okay good good I mean I just had to find off theu check my the point is is that we we are living in a house this is building I don’t find this very funny I don’t know why you’re laughing why are you laughing this is the most serious part

Of the build actually I’m laughing because you calling in From a Train talking about like how you’re both burning in hell in this house that’s okay I’ve we’re not running in Hell yet to be fair it’s just okay that was [__] amazing all right go ahead go

On um yeah so I really wanted to build H so you have some paintings it turns out that paintings don’t want to go on the so it was an abely but I think that also yeah no I agree with that with that no clear thank you Connor Thank

Youing my M you’re doing great we appreciate him that was great so you can keep walking through hell there go to the end of hell go to the end of hell I got bad news about the end hell this one’s [__] amazing it’s just the whole everything going on right

Now is unbelievable all right what’s keep walking yeah so you can keep walk so there was supposed to be a punch line I’m just going to be transparent there supposed to be a punch at the end of hell here it used to just be a photo of

Lewig but I was like well it’s not really that funny just put lwig at the end of hell like I don’t think’s that bad um and so I deleted it and then that is when I posted in Discord and was like Hey I can’t add any more photos so if

You look up they’re just imagine like a p& well jpeg actually I guess of lwig oh okay okay but because that was our original punch light I wanted to replace it with something like I was thinking like for the germa chat like maybe like a little peep the horror CU it’s hell or

Something I would get some okay A little play of the crowd perhaps um you know just imagine that there maybe and uh you know one of my favorite things about this is the fact that this is hell but my goodness is it green and they really touched up the place it’s beautiful down

Here uh all right is there anything else to see because that was I was amazing well I I was going to ask if you wanted to deliver a eulogy for us actually at the front of the Pew absolutely yeah go ahead [__] bath Subs uh uh uh friends uh family thanks for joining

Us in this uh this day to uh commemorate the lives of both Sea Dog and con Reed’s pants uh Oops I meant to say sorry uh Sea Dog over here Conor pant is over there uh I just want to say that did dead let’s go that is awesome our families really

Appreciate that Jeremy thank you so much I’m losing my mind it’s three times because they’re wondering why the [__] I’m talking so loudly on the train you’re just on the train like given a presentation about being like burned in hell like who what what this guyun what

Is this guy talking about on the Train That’s So fu turned on his video he turned on his video I need to give you guys grades okay so okay I’m gonna give you a philos let’s start with philosophy because it’s it’s Sky High um thank you

I’m gonna give you it’s oh my God okay your philosophy uh is is is is high I don’t it’s very high everyone’s doing such a great job I’m in a good mood uh I’m GNA give you a I’m gonna give you a 90 for philosophy that’s the highest score I’ve

Ever seen in any category because it’s just the everything going on right now the call from the train like you guys are in hell I mean it’s it’s it’s that that’s a 90 uh creativity I do really appreciate the fact that this actually is a pain in the

Ass the the the the putting all this down here watching him do it was a pain in the ass too yeah watching him dig a hole into the Earth telling me no this is GNA work but yeah all right and then above like all the fire yeah this is

Great uh I am going to have to give this in creativity the one thing that I I the river of I forgot there was a river of blood yeah this is that was hard to work around this is going to be I’m giving out High grades I don’t care

This is also a 90 for creativity wow uh structural Integrity is actually pretty good too I mean it it’s everything seems to be uh in in a good spot you’ve got I mean the one thing I’d say is a little it’s a little roomy in here it’s a little big yeah so

I maybe you lose a little bit on that and the actually this is a good ceiling but I’m kind of confused what’s going on here this is very that that that would be the the tree going into the building actually yeah cuz structurally that’s kind of bleeding in a little uh but I

Think you still did a pretty good job with it I’m going to give you an 82 for structural thank uh and then chat what do we have for chat’s grade I said oh they gave you a 95 they gave you a a wow oh my God thank I can’t believe that scored higher

Than my 100 orage so you guys you guys ended up at an 88.7 for that and overall oo you guys are at 84.9 overall that’s a b you guys are at a awesome wow oh I’m so proud of that I happy today honestly still hear Conor Connor

You being on the train and US hearing like train noises gave you guys both I think at least five extra points yep that was a good bit was a good call that’s a great call I did shut off my noise youd enjoy it it was that was awesome thank you

Guys Sea Dog Connor I know I know everyone’s got you know you got people have [__] to do but I appreciate you hanging out for as long as you have so thank you a good time beautiful work thank you yeah thanks guys a lot so we have a

Request that you do not click the edit and you just click play so just click play yeah yes okay thank you that’s interesting today we would like to take you on a ancient Quest an adventure through a tomb of Trials tribulations quests uh earning treasure a full the delve

Experience okay uh it is up to you young Adventurer what do you do H what is going on over here ah you inspect the ancient Hill you heard tales that the tribals once called this the hill of four boating and one should travel no further but one day you shall understand its true

Meaning all right okay what lies behind Li behind the what lies under you’ll see what lies don’t dude restart you have to restart you’re you’re dead you lost you lost at the intro we we’re at the tutorial you have two people telling you to stop oh [__] all right hold on let me

Go I lost oh [__] I’m sorry well we designed it as hardcore so I think maybe we just go to the next group no all right there it is okay play Reset progress there we go yeah we’re going to need a reset from level one again all right so don’t go that way

Here we go all right I’m going to go this way this is intimidating you notice on your left a switch oh that was the fire alarm oh hey whoa what the [__] how do I turn it off some say it could never be turned off

What is this for that’s a mirror but uh you can’t see yourself in it cuz you’re a vampire wrong with my guy my it’s my it’s me it’s you okay hold on oh God sh*t’s going wrong all right you chose vampire oh what’s that on your

Left I will advise that this this is a dangerous side quest and only the most trained veterans can handle it it is optional so if you fail and perish it is only you to blame uh I’m going to what the [__] is that sound I’m going I’m doing the side quest

Ah another light to your right the small circle on the wall your perception detects it what the [__] is ah fond memories of the days events Visions from earlier has someone been tracking you my [__] stomach hurts okay whose hand is that I don’t know okay so here’s what’s the quest there it

Is huh I pick it up remember to water the plants is that the quest can I go in here the sewer is in beta oh okay okay cool cool cool all right let me go dude God damn it man oh my stomach really hurts right

Now what when did I do this watch out young Adventurer and ogre you must combat how do I fight you shall find out keep your wits about you okay okay okay yep uh it’s Santa in the chimney okay I got a pool I can go in the pool is there

Anything with to do with [Laughter] the is there anything to do with the quest with this ah I see it is yet another only up reference no it is not but ours is easier shorter and more to the point yes now close the windows and hush all the

Fields if the trees must let them silently toss no bird is singing now and if there is be at my loss it will be long a the marshes resume I will be long a the early bird what is happen close the windows and not hear the wind but see all wind I’m [__]

Dead dude I died damn you got to get to the top you got to get to the top you so close that’s like the that’s the final jump all right you got it if you can get the Q ball oh my God how did you how did you get that up

There how did you get that up there how big is that that’s bigger than like the sun okay I’m going for it God damn it oh come on I can do this okay right there damn it you got you wait you’re not supposed to be here oh he’s glitching wait a second

Wait oh I got it oh my gosh [__] okay wait hold on young you said he was not going to do it at all I I believed it’s Grotto be the ancient treasure look up look up long hidden away in the Temple [__] dude I I don’t I don’t know what to score this but it’s like a 100 like I don’t you know what I mean like how do I score this is a 100 but I can I do that okay philosophy it’s just I mean I don’t you

Took all the powder we get the [__] pictures you just like go screen cap everything did you go to the vaud I don’t know how you even did this oh we we’ve been watching closely okay and another thing I we are you doing those sounds manually it just needs

Batteries they need batteries I don’t hear anything you get used to it okay it’s it this is it was very very very funny very good fall and see the picture do you see the picture what picture fall in oh what what is that what was that what was that it’s the it’s the

It’s Hill of for boing oh my God okay uh so just to move this along a little this was very very very fun very funny uh I can’t I don’t even know how I that face was even made what I don’t know all right you okay we’ll start with

Creativity creativity is you had you had a story you had like a quest that’s really fun uh I had to you know go through you know the I okay creativity yeah I think you just I think you guys just have to get like my stomach hurts I laughed way too hard um

90 it’s over 97 for creativity because is this this is just like this is just insane you got the only up in there and it works too and about hold on like lwigs and Doug Dougs was was was very well made it was it was long it was like

A full game you got like a little snippet here and it works it’s very good you got these pictur I had the Poetry could did it come through oh no yeah I heard everything okay good good important to me yeah getting to this point and having like the only up

Narration is I think you get a 99 the most important part thank you is that it’s shorter I think you get a 99 I actually like I actually like the the ending cuz I mean you know gr Beast by the way Curr on sale and oh there there

You go saw all right you get a 99 for creativity your philosophy is going to be it’s going to be high but it’s 90 like none of these grades really matter and like everybody’s did such a great job and this this is like literally just

When you get to like the 95 plus you all essentially did the same good but I going to have to give you a 97 on your philosophy your structural Integrity this works it’s very well uh I don’t know if I can give you as high structural Integrity as I gave to

Ludwick and dougd because they did a lot of that and there was a lot of fishing rods and a lot of [__] they had to do and test it but I think you I mean it looks great I did I did notice a little bit over here a little bit of an

Issue mhm I don’t what what happened here this is a little uh the the Ancients you’re you’re not supposed to go back here really like Dungeons and Dragons is very much like what you see and like I directed you in the right way and you never went back

There so I did my job oh that’s true well so chat gave you 95 you got an A that’s the highest grade you get from chat anyways so I’m going to give you for structural Integrity I’m going to give you a 90 I think is fair and you guys

Currently you guys are currently in first place with 96 followed by lwig and Doug duug at 95 oh no no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah you have a 96.0 you guys did a phenomenal job thank you so much you guys rock if you got to

Leave I get it we got like four more of these to do but thank you poke stir it was [__] hilarious uh you guys rock my stomach hurts bad I’m going to have to take a bath later um you you you got me you got me all

Right so we really like we’re actually just really excited for the launch a house flipper 2o and we really just try want to try and showcase the game uh this is a house flipper to show home that is the idea was to give you a preview of features that are in House

Flipper 2 uh because we’re just genuinely excited for it uh I would like to give special thanks to K for actually making that sign in our 90 minutes of time basically any of the signs you see uh Ki actually made them um while we were prepping our house oh so you guys

Did double you guys did like double time B basically well while I was on the show floor K was making her art assets and we were like a bit smart about that and tried to strategize that as we were going through wow all right that’s smart

We have a show we have a show home to showcase the game but first and foremost as you step on in we’d like you to step on inside I’m hoping this has worked okay if you take out if you take out the cell tool we actually made a quest in the

Game using house flippers 2’s tools um that is basically bananas that you’ll find as you go through the house it’s using the new Quest system it should hopefully work if you want to just try sell that I sold it oh it it might it might

Be having a bit of issue okay we we we really tried to Showcase that there’s a quest tool in game where you can actually assign objectives so what we actually did is we actually put a quest into the house just kind of it’s a real Quest yes like this is actually in the

Game that’s the thing there is um there is a feature I don’t know if it’s tracking somewhere at the moment let’s see May it’s working is there like an objective somewhere I want to oh we did we did actually set it up is it what what would

I be looking for like what what what would what’s the there should be a little popup in the UI um that’s showcasing that it’s working maybe something might come up if you catch all the bananas basically as you go through the house but the idea was to show different

Yeah it’s just the bananas basically just pick them up it’s just a little quest to try and get you through the home as you gool we tried to Showcase as many features as we can so welcome here is your doors you we know you like your

Doors I love doors behind the door for you um we have like a few like a fireplace and some like kind of furniture fitting for things that you can kind of wire up on the other side of the wall don’t need to sell those don’t worry I I can see you hovering

Uh Swit the hand no it’s all good uh if you want to just like kind of oh no take your time in the doors you know take your time there’s a lot of doors to kind of open and walk through let me tell you this is

This is a beautiful house this is like a beautiful spot apologies are you in edit mode did you click play yeah I should be my chat is freaking out at the moment having these tools means I should be in play mode I don’t I don’t think this all

Right I’m not entirely sure that’s all right there is a quest there uh there is a quest there but uh work your way through the house uh if you want once you once you wrapped up with those doors we have showrooms banana sell that banana oh

House Roofing yep so so thank you again to Kyo for making all of these signs these are the new Roofing options that are available in house flipper 2 cuz this is just something you didn’t really have to play with in house flipper one and it’s kind of cool that you can come

Up with New Creations yeah so we made like a little Showcase of like bits of roofing um just for like stuff you can make and kind of combine because you actually have more options now to customize your houses which is just genuinely really cool I’m glad they

Actually have that in the game now um we made some like little floor samples for how you can do like effectively different rugs on your floor um just some like kind of sample ones there and we also want the Highlight that you can actually cut out those spaces too you

May notice there’s a hole in that particular sample there okay can can I just stop you for a second and just tell you that you knowing all this you’ve you’ve only had the game for like what two days I yeah no I’ve we got started today I

Think like one day and you you’re like you’re like in in this is a ton of great information I mean we we’re just excited you know gen like number two is like like it’s one of like the anticipated games of the year like seriously I love

The first game and I’m excited to see him doing stuff with two I love the new engine and [__] that they’ve done here yeah so this is like just a Furniture showcase room just to kind of list some of like the options that like you have again cuz there’s so many assets more

Than anything else that you can actually customize your home with uh that’s just really cool to see like they’ve made so much cool just new [__] appliances everywhere uh we have like a lot of like on of the default paintings and that if you look out that window actually too

You see how that’s the void yeah so we we just put that there just to show hey this is a new thing you can do in this game that wasn’t in house flip one you can go we kind of you can go underground now that’s the thing that was the idea

If you look at the other window on your left um you can now customize the terrain and raise Hills and make these kind of funky sculptures uh as if you’re like doing like a fancy like kind of Garden or something um again just really cool possibilities uh that are now possible

In the game if you want to head down that Hall there on your left this one here yeah this one here um okay structural Integrity you guys are pretty much a 100 because like this this is like be look look at this work look at

This look at that look look at this is this is unbelievable architecture by the way I mean thanks no like honestly we we spend a lot of time like just bloody painting the walls and that like um and the roof and just getting the floor right um yeah so like just to show

Different features like you can now Place stairs so you may notice that grand staircase just on your right I I know you’re Eagle eyed for those bananas right now um oh you tell me to click bananas I I’ll start clicking no I mean I think we were right on the money with

Um picking the banana L apples um but like in that room back there like we just showcase some of like the tools that you have on the workbench different types of paint we actually want to showcase like just the splatter features how you can actually specifically Place

Dirt in your home if you want to do that and actually set up a level specifically for like your friends to play and [__] like that I didn’t know you do that I KN I know you do trash but you could do like paint splatter that’s kind of

That’s like that’s the idea you can actually assign that so the idea with the quest was you can actually clean that up too um so you you can literally just make custom levels for your friends is the idea you you and just scrub it you know and like that’s the idea so if

You want to make like a dirty house for your friends to clean and play house flipper doing you can just do that now which is actually really cool cuz it’s not really been as accessible as it is now um in that regard um if you want to

Have a look just about the showroom we’ve just got some of like the toilets we got a house flipper sign there um we have like some of the new electronic equipment the fact that you can specifically get more PC options and stuff like that is actually there’s

Wiring there I don’t know it works so there’s a light switch behind key lights um Behind the Lights there’s a there’s a light switch on the wall just behind them and if you just want to flick that um because you can actually assign multiple lights to a

Wire in now I don’t think you can do like that in house flipper one I’m not entirely sure but you can just assign as many as you want and they’ve made it significantly easier to use like it’s really cool that they’ve done that for this game somebody put put the lids down

Oh come on I’m good did I put them all up thank you thank you it’s just polite it’s just polight trampoline also yeah so the trampoline is here but you may notice that there’s a banana there on the paint next to the wall um do you see that

Paintting there I do actually made that herself you just did like right now like in the last like hour yes because you know we wanted to get a a tasteful meiku and a tasteful marriage because you know you’ve been kind of ranting and raving about them all night

So we thought okay let’s not just like jpeg the [__] walls AO actually drew that while we were building the house damn um you know like like all four all four lines yeah I I stayed within the lines when I calleded them too I’m very proud of

Myself banana uh but that but there you go like that is the show House oh that is the show room house effectively um there’s a few more bits like we tried to demonstrate in the room with the walls how you can cut away walls now significantly easier in the front garden

There’s like stuff like the terrain tools where you can make little divots I can’t believe you did this in 90 minutes like this is [__] ridiculous um just like a little showcase here with like the flowers and stuff like that and just the fact that

You can do Hills if you walk over that Hill as well you can kind of see some of the more uneven terrain that you can actually get so look at those little like divots and that like you can really customize it now like significantly more

Oh one thing we we also had to do um we noticed there was some clipping occasionally you can cut the grass as well so no more clipping you’ll see there’s a nice Pathway to the door yeah we we mowed the lawn and we made sure as

We built the house cuz there was a moment where like grass was coming through the walls and [__] hey structural Integrity structural Integrity but thanks but because you can mow the grass we just mowed it all um so there shouldn’t be any grass actually inside the house now the the flower

Bushes would more or less add it just for a little bit of decoration as you go through this you know this of like Ikea like going through Ikea yeah yeah it’s a little bit like Ikea oh you missed a banana there I did in front of the radiators in front of the radiators

There you go you got it Well I this is this is great this is this is a philosophy I’m going to give you a 95 for philosophy because I don’t know how to play the [__] game either so it’s good to see some of these things

Is I have to learn it too so I love the philosophy of learning and education it’s great like I mean that that that was just the idea we cuz we’re just excited for the game we just want to showcase some of like the new [__] you know um

Cuz it’s just really cool like build is great so much better I mean this is this is like a a beautiful like you made a show you didn’t this is not a home you made literally Ikea you literally made Ikea which you could not do in the last

Game that’s [__] cool uh for creativity I am going to give you a b a b I’m going to say puppy be like 87 88 I’ll give you 88 and the only reason why it’s not a 90 Is maybe it should be a 90 maybe it should be a it’s a 90 something oh I mean it’s it’s very respectable you know like like whatever whatever you decide you know like like we we you know we we we had a lot of fun just making this

More we demonstrated quite a lot of different things in our builds throughout the evening you know we had build you made all these custom posters like honestly like Ki was [__] amazing yeah this is like you did like a custom drawing I’m going I’m going to go I’m

Going to go with 91 for creativity oh my God thank you you know structural Integrity I’m going to give you you’re going to get 100 for structural Integrity because there is not a single thing wrong with anything it’s all perfect uh chat has given you

A chat gave you 95 this is this is going to be close so what do we got you you got 91 95 195 that puts you at 94.8 for this and 93.3 or 93.4 for your overall final grade oh that’s incredible thank you so

Much you got a there are a lot of A’s I’m happy with an a Chad give you 95 thank you so much guys yeah that that’s I’m I’m really happy with that honestly you you you thanks for staying up you guys before I say anything um I

Didn’t even tell Vinnie what I was doing cuz I don’t want anybody squealing about this so I wasn’t streaming this Vinnie doesn’t know I haven’t even told him that’s all I want to say what really yeah no I didn’t tell him [__] cohesion all right so I’ll I’ll start the first

Part of the tour um and I wanted to let you know germa that the first part the house is something that I built based on a family home of mine okay and I want you to just um enjoy like so there’s some history here whoa who you made you en you

Enclosed the whole thing into a fake World okay this is very cool all right I had to as to say that I I had to them to Vin’s okay so I’m just going the front door so this is yeah I mean you can see here like this is based on you know just

A real family home of mine I’ve got the TV the couch and uh some photos of like my family on the walls and uh yeah spent a lot of time really trying to get those details right very real family boy and mom Samson okay so this is

I I understand where I okay okay oh okay okay yeah the kitchen door should be closed by the way J I close it immediately and do not look what’s behind wait wait what the kitchen door yeah just close that kitchen okay okay so yeah I mean this just some

More family members also I just want to say bring a little cocacola in your nose it’s good for you that’s that’s a old saying my grandmammy used to say this color is [__] crazy yeah yeah it was a crazy family I mean you know when

I got bumped on the head a couple years back I was thinking like man did any of that really happen I’m still not sure but that’s as I remember it something like that okay germa is super tall and St that’s plus two points okay Mr

Dink Mr dink is included in all of my builds I just you know Jo Jo I’m such a dope I I I I hit the wall like an idiot I mean yeah I don’t again that’s it’s funny that you knew what my father used to say back in in the day like that

That’s crazy but yeah so that’s that’s my portion of um of that and I just uh yeah I just wanted you just get a little into my world listen listen we all know what’s [__] Family Guy already quit the [__] all right we’re going to crank

This up well hang on you J can you look at the beams in the living room oh that’s right not that okay look at right look at that I mean that’s some pretty pretty good structural Integrity thank you Joel you may continue and it’s not Family Guy but you

Know it’s the samsons come on it’s the Samson that’s what the thing said over there this was a gamble because jeremi hates cartoons um it depends anyway should I open Vinnie spe Vinnie specifically wanted me to interject and be like shut up told me was I I told him

No I’m not going to do that joke I got to get this I got to get this off you did it here anyway um Vin did a wonderful house uh the problem is I didn’t make a house okay you didn’t make a house but this is

This is a good Samson house I think it’s very very strong well I’m about to open this door okay so ladies and gentlemen we’ve had many entries in tonight’s stream we’ve had Many Adventures across Plains we have had you know a little bit of funeral business but what none of these

People have done is broken the game jerma you may open the door now go into hell go go in here I want you yes and look up you you what is this oh my God what is this germa you may begin to read the signs set [Laughter] ladies and gentlemen the quest has

Begun okay now this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime JMA oh [__] hold on there we go you may begin to climb hold on hold on space I climb climbing I can you you’re climbing you just hold down space who it work it actually works Joel this works I’m not

No clipping this works now um again a lot of people attempting the only up thing but the thing is you’re glitching out you’re glitching out at the start we go I got it oh dear God okay okay just keep going anyway as I was saying a lot of people

Did the only up thing the thing is there’s a certain amount of stairs in this game and they break the Skybox limit and uh well all I’m going to say is this uh this is going to be quite the journey so if you if you want to quit

Cuz there’s other people after us that are waiting you may just use space bar but anyway ladies and gentlemen I am I what is that I didn’t give the finger yes you did no I didn’t that’s proof yes you’re being rude anyway go keep going

Up and I’m going to let you know this we are time limited just no clip yourself up it is going to take some time it’s going to take time how much how big is this no no I’m telling you no clip I I I am I giving you Mercy

Okay dude how far God this does not go that far does it holy [__] but anyway my point is the thing is you can uh put objects up in the sky right uh but you got you can’t you got to manually do it on the floor

And then take him up but stairs in this game eventually crashed the game and uh oh [Laughter] yeah now JMA I don’t know how the scale goes in terms of score uhhuh but you better start writing things down because this journey is going to add

Up I I am just shocked that the Sky Box lets you go this High I thought I thought there was a limit I thought there was an actual limit There’s No Limit well I thought so too until I realized there’s something wrong in the game I don’t know what I just did but

I’m good I’m good okay you I got to give it to you you are actually climbing this I thought you would just fly up but I I commend you on your thing it’s a tower of Baba I call it is frozen he must have wor number one okay unfortunately you’re not Frozen

Right now in your face cam which sucks but oh did I eat a booger I I may have eaten a booger at some point in the last like six hours I don’t know maybe well the scientific proof on camera you’ve got to be [__] kidding

Me no let okay RT and Kyo just did one and they they were showing this the Showcase in the game and stuff but I this is is this is this is ridiculous I I I had no idea this was going to happen no I didn’t tell V or anybody that’s why I

Didn’t stream this but halfway there King halfway there what do you mean halfway I’m halfway halfway there King now keep going keep going you’re ascending you’re doing a great job buddy think of that bonji song right now you know the one yeah okay when I first looked at

This I thought it was an antenna this is a full this is like an antenna to heaven and it’s an antenna to the magical treasure I keep telling you JMA I’m telling you this is going to be worth it I know a lot of you guys are like holy

[__] this is going to take three goddamn hours to do but that’s not the case because you know what those who wait for something good never Waits too long it’s an old Swedish saying actually okay but anyway keep ascending King your crown awaits these pictures I he gave me an extra

Five minutes to finish up my Simpson home yeah gave any extra time you CU I was all right you the philosophy on this one is is is a little is is interesting to me because you both you you Vinnie you made like the like a great Simpsons

House and then Joel made an antenna into the stratosphere I mean did you expect expect anything else I love it now um I will say this I do think it is pretty funny that we’ve had Doug Doug lwig and uh you know we have a previous contestants that have thought of the

Same thing but you you’ve achieved the wooden Zone that means you’re ascending well it’s it’s elevating you further up in the sky but uh you know great mind s alike here friends and I got to say you know we’ve had tough competition but this this this one I have might be put a

Little bit over the edge it all depends though but you are ascending quickly Towards the Sky my friend I am you’re almost their King my goodness I think this is it whoa this is it holy I feel like I’m falling in real life what the hell do not fall do not

Fall off do not fall off all I’m gonna say is this uh there’s a door ahead of you no clip in there okay you’re getting very close you must have lost your [__] mind making this by the way yes it took a lot of time see that door that’s for

You Jeremy go in and collect your prize so there’s a prize behind this door there’s a prize behind the door buddy your crown awaits in the garage king that’s right okay now here’s what you do just drop down just stop no clipping go down into Simpsons home all right you’re falling you’re

Falling you’re falling you’re going to be okay okay so you said the the the prize is in the garage yeah yeah but but be careful how you enter enter it normally enter it normally do not like no clip into it just go from the front entrance

Just go normally okay so this is I mean what is normally is your [__] neighbor like oh yeah how’s the neighbor doing oh I’m not so sure they literally have white blockades in front of everything well a high five God you know why not do you think this makes do you think

The HOA has something to say about this all right so go to the gar like this garage over here yes now uh Vinnie told me to put a little toy car inside unfortunately I missed that so you might you may deduct points but but go in

King you see that door that is for you Jeremy now Ascend inside inside you will find the answers do you see now you see now you see is the outfit is if judge makes hand Gina what that’s point for us cuz that’s vulgar but I did have naughty and I

Incorporated naughty into my concept because it’s very torturous to go up here God and you look like Matthew mccon a little bit so that’s 20 points extra anyway it is time to collect your prize germa what what is the prize what a microphone winner winner you win this was an absolute favorite dream

Uh I I like the hey there it is I won my microphone um that was amazing I did honestly you know what it’s it’s people are just people people are doing [__] wonderful I’m so happy with how fun and how awesome people did today it’s unbel actually like phenomenal like this was

Hilarious you guys did a great [__] job I even I forgot that you made an entire Simpsons house like that I forgot you did that like that’s how crazy that just was all right creativity we’re going to start with that I think it’s we’re just going to start throwing out

A’s honestly because people are doing such a great job oh apparently there’s another thing in the winter room that you missed I I’m so tired I forgot about it in the winter room is this one I I don’t I don’t remember I I’m so I’m so tired I think my brain

Turned into mush Jo wonderful job go get some sleep creativity I’m going to get sleep now structural Integrity yeah go get some sleep thanks for coming out thanks for staying up so late uh I appreciate it you did a great job I let me tell you something creativity in closing the house is

Unbelievable I’m going to give you I’m going to give you a 98 for creativity because this is this is awesome that you enclos the space with the Simpson house that is a a brilliant idea actually wonderful idea uh philosophy it’s it’s a little jumbled it’s a little jumbl

Because we go from The Simpsons to uh to that so I’m going to have to I’ll give you I think it’s still good I’m going to give you I’m going to give somewhere in the bees I think it’s a low be because it this the philosophy between the two

Is is not really jelling 100% but it’s still great uh I’m going to say it’s probably I’m going to give you I’m going to give you an 802 for philosophy JMA sounds like you’re like a you’re like a a [__] food taster on television or like a wine enthusiast and

You’re going oh yeah quite it’s quite spectacular but you’re drinking piss okay you don’t have to pretend no you killing me okay I I’m going to okay so for structural Integrity this is very good structural Integrity or half of it the rest of it is a little [__]

Because it’s all this and this I mean it did work and it was very good I’m going to give you a b I’m going to give you 80 84 for structural Integrity uh and then don’t forgot this his support beams that’s very important yeah oh yeah absolutely and then uh chat

Has a grade for you too what did chat give we’ll give you an 85 85 for for integrity you are at a final grade of you got 90 90 a minus for this build and your final grade was 89 .6 B plus almost an A minus

Wonderful yay Oh yay V quick Marge wait [__] you did one can can I double it down can I double it down if you do a Marge right now you’re looking for one more Point yeah yeah yeah oh homie oh oh give him two more give him one more

Point on structural Integrity that was pretty good that was actually really good really good all right fellas thank you I know it’s late rest this is unbelievable fun and thanks for thanks for inviting us I appreciate it um I had a poison Burger earlier I’m going to go

Die now I’ll see you later man I hope you’re all right dude all right thanks for coming oh yeah no I’m good I’m good uh just a little dying but good luck everybody this was great loved your builds thanks J thanks Ramos thanks everybody peace I am very blessed to be

Able to invite so many creative people to do this so this is great for me to watch now remember how I said I had a surprise for you you did yeah Northern here oh surprise he’s actually waiting for you inside this is a whole plan we’ve had this entire time go ahead and

Open the door and say hello to Northern lion what wait I I’m not even doing a joke or I’m not kidding around I have what what’s going on you killed him me no did you no who did wait who killed there’s a pelaton over over there um wait what what happened here germa

I’m going to need your help for this cuz I have no idea I was just building a regular house I’m need your help I think we have to find out who killed Northern lion so I want you to take a look around the room maybe there’s a potential clue

Okay so the pelon’s he’s a big pelaton user I don’t know there a candle I’m not sure that doesn’t seem very suspicious but it’s kind of weird why would it candle be there uh this I mean it says red rum on the back I think that’s a

Little out of place I think that’s a little holy smokes that’s murder backwards uh is it I just realized oror murder oh it is yeah oh my God so this was a murder now really take a look because there might be a clue somewhere here I’m going to need your help I see

Three flowers I see a frog I see a carton of eggs H very interesting and there’s also a knife that that could be the murder weapon who knows um okay I want you to really look corner to corner there’s got to be something I just don’t think we have

Anything compellent who a I don’t know what is it it’s a a pipe like a lead pipe oh my God and wait where in a house would you find a lead pipe that’s so strange probably in the bathroom I would say okay yeah I think you’re right let’s

Go to the next area I guess oh [__] what the wait what the wait we’re in the bathro um I don’t know actually for real though it’s a I don’t know why there’s a house there’s a little doll here I swear to God I promise you I

Have no idea what that’s there just ignore that all right completely ignored okay yeah ignore it but I want you to look around maybe there’s a clue God there’s got to be a clue what that dude okay actually hiding things like an escape room philosophy what is that a

Mouse a mouse wait now where where the hell would you find a mouse in a house oh let me what else is in here probably in the in the computer room I would say or an office maybe you’re probably right let’s go ahead and continue on he was bleeding a lot uh by

He was a lot of blood in him okay now go ahead open the door look up there’s an arrow let’s go ahead and walk into that door then no oh my God I fell down what the what the what the heck just happened what what the

Flip let’s go ahead and go in the door I guess I want to go in that one but I okay we have no choice yeah oh my I don’t know there’s a b there I swear I have no idea well there’s no blood there’s no so it’s clean you’re right

It’s clean there’s got to be a clue somewhere as to where to go next there just has to be oh this I love this this is great okay good we got a bloody plate a plate or is that just spaghetti like spaghetti sauce you’re you’re the detective here I

Literally just made a house I have no idea what’s going on a bloody plate now where the hell do plates go and oh oh in the kitchen like I’m doing Dora the Explorer that’s right wait what’s this that’s right a order more black ink that’s creepy it’s written in red

Could Be Blood perhaps that that could be red blood ink wait that’s scary that remember that for the future all right let’s uh go ahead and keep going okay kitchen oh this is uh very clean I would I don’t think there’s any blood in this room would you looks pretty good I would

Say this is pretty clean this is this I don’t think anything happened in here yeah I don’t think so I mean maybe there’s a clue somewhere I mean God knows could be important go we have we we have to get to the bottom of this okay nothing in

There whoa all right uh bloody tennis ball wait I don’t know reminds me of that kind of reminds me of something JMA yeah wait a second tennis yeah didn’t we recently wait I did we we played tennis like a few weeks ago like a month ago wait let’s go ahead to the

Next Room interesting that is interesting this is kind of creepy this is scary they don’t have only knives squeak they don’t have any Forks or knives this actually kind of creepy okay what is this I I have no germa I literally have no idea I don’t even know where you’re

Going my God wait a second walk up to the mirror take a photo right click right click go into your photo the murderer is right there there germa the the bat baseball bat was from your baseball event why was that there in the beginning the dollhouse from the dollhouse event

Germa the tennis ball from tennis Mania germa you killed Northern lion that’s all speculation this whole time that’s all complete speculation I I’ve been here the whole time there it’s impossible there must be a clone this was [__] awesome dude is there four wait there’s a green screen

Behind you too look at that picture wa there is a greenen this whole time huh interesting and and that’s it dude all right that was okay this was very in-depth you made a little like detective murder mystery which is wonderful creativity really high again a

Lot of A’s going out uh but having like making making me play like a game is really really really interesting to me and that is I think I’m just going to give you a straight up and I it’s high I’ve given so many grades today I don’t remember what grades have gone out

But creativity wise it’s at least a 95 uh at least a 95 I’m in a I’m in a 95 mood I’ll take a 95 that’s sound look great your philosophy is uh is high but you’re also a accusing me of of killing someone so I’m going to have to give you a couple

Of points deduct because I didn’t do it okay okay I believe you yeah but anyways I think that it’s I would give you in philosophy I’m going to give you a because working with like a game like that is actually really cool and by the way the

P’s your plating was a little weird so and and the flavor of of your broth was a little off so I’m going to sit yeah so I’m I’m going to give you a 93 for philosophy okay I’m going to give you structural Integrity is is very very

Good too I honestly can’t see anything wrong with this at all in fact the way that you actually put this together was like a lot of actual building had to go into making it like this uh so that’s very very well done I’m going to give you very high structural Integrity score

Which chat’s giving you 95 that’s pretty good this is going to be really close there’s like six teams that have at least like a like a high a uh I’m going to give you structural Integrity a 97 awesome I’ll take it that was great you know you know

What I don’t think there was literally nothing wrong this was like a perfect house whoa like in in regards to structure I mean I like every door is in the right look at this this is like perfect framing perfect walls I don’t know if it could be lower hold

On this stuff too here knowing that that’s even a thing in the game this is like all the lines or or I don’t even know how you did like lines like that in it was underground oh it was that’s right it was all underground yes oh [__] wow okay

That I that’s right we did all that okay yeah I’m sorry you get 100 for um for structure let’s go awesome that was wonderful dude seriously thank you so much good luck with your move you did great thank you very much thank you so much for inviting

Me this is just a total blast I really appreciate it yeah dude talk to you soon it’s been it’s been a pleasure oh homie Welcome to our church homie you’ll notice that we have the Unholy mother on the outside of the church Marge uh Simpson and you’ll notice that these are actually staying

Glass they go through if you go to the other side what yeah these are stained glass windows oh very clever very clever that’s right uh so these These are stained glass windows that we’ve uh set up here yeah you can go ahead and close the door we we have our our red carpet

Here and you may for our gu at your Leisure oh yeah uhhuh there’s a long oh there we go now if you if you hang a Louie if you go to your left you can go to the confessional booth that we built what would you like to confess your sins homie oh homie Mar I ate one too many

Donuts today and you can’t clip that and there’s no end of the Year Awards so don’t even think about it uh how do I get in the conventional you’ll have to probably clip it it’s not very functional holy [__] yeah we had to we had to fabricate this ourselves okay using uh

Tools but there is no uh confessional option in the game so uh Snuffy had to build yeah I know we we we we noticed that in the we were worried in the Ikea uh layout one that there would be an option for a confessional that we missed

So but we had to build our own confessional I see blood there’s blood some blood yeah there’s some blood certainly you shed your skin like your sin and then if you look to your right we actually built a pipe organ yeah that’s a pipe organ wait

Right here yeah that’s a pipe organ this go back go back go back you’ve got too far you’ve got too far this is a pip organ oh this is beautiful yeah that’s a pipe organ uh that also was not in the game hand fabri fabricated pipe orgon

There um yeah that hey creativity those are points now go to the other yeah turn around like your skin and your sins there’s something else that you’ll be shedding your pants yeah right here like do I yeah yeah we also brought the poop scalpel back we

Brought the poop you know some we got to bring back the fan favorites you got to you got to bring the the you got to bring the poop back that’s a yeah that’s call back right there all right all right now the other I got it we have the the Tomb of the

Unknown germa over here yeah the son of the holy mother Marge yeah that’s your that’s the last resting where where where where’s this from did you just did you make this yeah we drew all these all handcrafted yeah wow you wow you in 90 minutes holy [__] that’s phenomenal yeah

That one myself just little stained glass work yeah and if you go to the front we have the uh the altar ah yes the seron or the German that’s a bucket of blood yeah that’s where you sit from the the blood oh like the okay okay okay that’s clever y That’s a

Microphone and that’s a book of germis of Latter-day Saints right there now if if you want to turn off your your clipping you can fly out and see the shape of our cathedral which is actually true to all Cathedral shapes so just fly right out yeah fly right out

Get a sky view of it and you’ll see that the Earth is cracked and broken around oh yeah the shape of a cruciform whoa okay cool yeah yeah with more stained glass hey that that stained glass work is does it you know takes a while for sure for

Sure don’t oh there’s also the another table of artwork oh yeah there’s one more table there’s one more art table in it’s across from the um the body oh here cofin oh yeah yeah there you go what is that oh those are offerings for the night geras

Mom oh I love the hey you my that’s my favorite uh food yes we knew this uh you break bread with him I’m getting very scary vibes from this guy well don’t be scared uh gerus loves you and uh his his message is that of of

Blood you know the question is you know if if if God is omnipotent aren’t all evil things just as holy as those things that are considered Pious and and good without white there can be no black without black there can be no white this is must be good to be evil some

Sometimes uh-huh yep without evil there could be no good so it must be good to be oh yeah the big thing is wor is that is the well that’s Church the little rhyme on the back something a little jingle it goes St stay pay a a you’re supposed to give us an

A A oh I supposed to say a back yeah yeah oh that was like a give us an a give us an S give us just in the words of the holy church I see okay okay yep it’s a little it’s a little call and repeat this is a great

This is okay we’ve seen some church Cathedral type stuff we’ve seen some you know religion type stuff but this is this is a great Cathedral this is this is a wonderful okay if you didn’t tell me I would have thought like this right here was from some kind of game like this is

From a game oh wow what are you playing some this looks like a like a like an old like PS2 game or PS3 game what is this uh so structurally you did very very very well uh it’s a it’s a it’s a very big pain of the one of the things

With the fire for Sea Dog and Connors putting down all these and making them custom images and and doing all this it’s a lot of placement it’s a lot of time so that’s very very good just as a whole it’s very cleanly made it’s very well made I would say structurally I

Would I think this is another a like I I’m I’m I’m just throwing out the A’s I am cuz thank you and then no I don’t think anybody has nobody’s had nobody’s got like a [__] D no no D’s that’s not how it works uh I think this is like

An I’m going to give this a 90 I’m going to give this a 90 I’m going to give a 95 for integrity oh thank you I don’t have any I just don’t have the only complaint that I have is this little tree it’s kind of scking out there in a little bit

He told me to delete it that was the only place it would accept it and I feel like without that tree it looked too empty because I also handcrafted the entire yard I tried to really make it look like uh you know were you’re in the wilderness also desolate area that’s

Also another thing is is is the the yard was not neglected these here I mean there big spires of cracked Earth behind the house too if you want to check those out we a lot ofun with them this is not the default map right you guys all these

Trees oh yeah yeah all the trees and staks and rocks and stuff yeah all the what is a topography right right yeah the the butel it’ss or something yeah look at all these look at all these stalagmites what are the ones that grip stag stag tight stag tights and stag

Mites ruptures of the earth very very good I love it I think it’s phenomenal uh you structurally 95 I’m going to give you creativity it’s very well made I love the music I love the the I love the story I love the Poetry that went behind everything creatively I mean what chat

Gave you a 95 I think let’s see thank you chat’s grade is yeah chat’s grade is a 95 yeah Chad love all of these my score creatively I’m going to give you a 92 we’ll take it I think that’s a solid a minus into a the only reason why it’s

Not even a little bit higher is the the theming of the religion stuff we’ve seen it a couple times but this is very very well done uh and I get to be the main character so that’s fun too uh philosophy you’re also going to get H what about uh

Marge that’s right you did have like a all the Marge [__] it was everything else was so [__] cool over here I like forgot the Marge stuff yeah forget me homie I mean philosophy that’s you that’s a call back to that’s you that’s a reference and a

Call back to the last six to seven hours all right so I think philosophy that’s another high score it’s good 90 90 93 okay okay come all right 93 it’s it’s very very good it’s very good no no it’s 94 cuz you didn’t you did you did multiple Marge

Voices yeah yeah I had the satanic like a ghost of Marge going on oh me and you had wait that’s a 95 because you had a voice changer this was very this is unbeliev so big too it takes a lot of time this is very very very good thank you you

Guys rock your final grade this was a 93.9 so it’s technically 94 and your final grade was a 92.9 93 hey I’ll take it I’m passing I’ll get into college with this grade thank you yeah every all these were so good we had a ton of fun man this was so we were

Laughing our asses off thank you so much for inviting I’m glad this a lot of creative people so it’s like everybody gets it [__] a everybody’s great you guys are amazing thanks for staying up so late too I I know I wanted this to be

At least 2 or 3 hours earlier but you guys killed it hilarious awesome and uh you’re both really really funny really talented people so it’s a pleasure worries this was incredible man yeah this was so fun yeah have a great rest of the stream and I can’t wait till

Next time I’m gonna get some more house flipper under my belt so where so where am I I’m a rock a cave entrance of some kind a magical Cave of some kind very very cool this is honestly this this is the first uh not like cave entrance this is very cool

Ooh I feel like I I heard something in the water behind you yeah massive what the hell was that it’s like a something watching you from the deep cracking you know okay uh are are you a fan you’re gonna have to like figure out how to get in

Here because um this place is Infamous infamously difficult to to enter yeah look people have tried many different things hence the handed Footprints um what you’ll notice that there is ancient text in scrolled upon the arch of this door there is do you have anyone in your party who might be

Able to translate that or does it look familiar at all can anybody help I read Elvish you do you actually read all right is that Elvish yeah that’s that’s definitely Elvish uh as I’ve seen it uh this is saying something about uh identifying yourself as a a comrade or

An ally or um I don’t know another word for that there’s a lot of different vernaculars here uh you’re going to have to try some different things okay we did we did rewrite this um the original Elvish I believe it says uh speak friend and enter but um we’ve had to adapt that

For house flipper too it says um speak double jump and enter okay double jump yeah oh careful don’t go don’t go higher than that you just need to like there you go ah it worked wonderful now we give him the music now the music that was

Cool oh yeah I hope you’re ready to get immersed I immerse me please all right wait how where is it are we going uh are you in the bathroom chat or in the the link here I’ll drop it in the bathroom chat sure I’m very intrigued now all right I put

On Loop just in case it runs over the three minute play time um you also have a flashlight with f if you want to use that you can wait really yeah hold on a second let me get this queued up one want to turn it down a little bit

Because it gets intense I’ll make sure it’s pretty well okay the music the music is playing I’m going to turn it down okay there we go I am ready hope I’m I’m hoping that cousin Ballin gives us a royal welcome yeah I it’s been so long since we’ve seen our cousin Ballin right

Friends cousin Ballin what’s what is cousin balling uh clearly we’re under you have you seen this movie by any chance I’m starting to realize you may have not ever uh this may be I are you unfamiliar with the story of the Lonely Mountain and the dragon smow by

Chance I have man but the last time I watched it like like six years ago and I may have been I was probably [__] high I don’t remember the whole movie oh well this will jog your memory like nothing else let me tell you it very accurate Recreation also in 5 days it’s

The 20 sh I just grab the door my door okay reset reset okay okay in 5 days what we saying in 5 days it’s the 22nd anniversary of the release of this film and so we thought how to better pay omage than to accurately recreate oh please

Just go go ahead just go on listen welcome to the minds of Moria oh [__] just like the movie this if you no mine it is a tomb [__] you remember that part yeah and then smog comes out and goes oh Revenge I will have my that was a historical event that’s

The Hobbit that’s the Hobbit that’s a different one oh it’s a different movie yeah different movie but close similar energy these are the dwarves these the dwarves if you for this is the era of uh gim Son Of Glow son of groin groin son of faen fa and son ofor this is the

Whole lineage of dwarves we kind of depict throughout the years oh I think my spleen needs to get a [__] MRI after today every time I laugh fing hard just like Hearts all right so th this is De is this deep rock Galactic well those are some of listen

Did you hear all the dwarves I just mentioned uh we’ve got gimy gloen Owen groan dwalin Ballin fundan faren borin D it’s clearly been a while since you’ve seen the movie if you don’t recognize Prancer uh vixon Nixon what are the other ones uh Don and Blitzen yeah okay very

Cool those are the guards you can’t them yet don’t confess those are the those are the stone Guardians yeah some dwars didn’t survive if you look down you’ll notice there unfortunately yeah he died with his uh weapons in in hand though as any true dwarf would yeah and then um like behind

You in the where behind the giant photo of the um sorry you remember this did you take that from my stream tonight because that’s literally one of the screen caps what that’s like you talking about that’s like from my stream today no this is from a movie yeah this is from a

Movie this is from The Lord of the Rings this is the part where they go claiming you’ve did this fool of a took talking about his like expression and him being like Oh yeah the fool of a took expression yeah so fool of a TK okay yep

All right that’s the part when he not he pushes the the bucket the bucket it goes down the well the song that you’re listening to kind of starts like oh [__] okay what’s that what’s that what is that careful I’m trapped in a wh at the

Bottom I’m so glad to be on this stream finally it’s been so long who just did that who just did that that was ital dude he was he was saving that homie what the [__] you don’t recognize me that’s that hurts me homie holy [__] that’s like the best Marge Simpson I

Think I’ve ever heard I’m not kidding that’s probably the best I’ve ever heard ever oh okay that was unbelievable uh all right I’m coming out I’m going to come out of the well be very careful that I don’t accidentally see like I’m not supposed to all right the door

Guards are are you ready L to continue through the minds of Moria I am ready please don’t take the door you can open it and pass on through I’m sorry okay now the tombs are winding and intricate mhm dwares dig ever deeper they do and their GED sometimes gets them into unfortunate circ*mstances

And that’s the face you’re about to make this is a warning because they have a cave troll oh no two Battle Stations behind you the fellowship rides oh yes Gandalf okay yep yep I got it the fellowship is supporting you from the door that you came in no no no that’s

Afterward that’s the after math of defeating the troll that’s Hart a cut scene that’s not mov the TR that’s the game troll you’re skipping the cut scene the’s behind you behind you the door you came they yeah see look now they’re reading their arrows the cave trolls

Coming okay now and then you fight them fight the cave troll the te- posing cave troll yeah [__] it hurts okay this is for after you’ve defeated the cave troll bro that’s not Harry Potter no no this is Lord of the Rings you they stick a a splinter up his nose

And then Falls over I’m so [__] up I thought I don’t know I thought that was like [__] Harry like right on his head like like s of I I was like that didn’t happen did it no I didn’t have all right they have taken the bridge and

The second Hall we have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long the ground shakes drums drums in the Deep Dr the Deep shadow moves in the dark we cannot get out they are coming we must get out stop dude we planned this thank you [__] this is [__]

Awesome oh it’s the bow Rog of moros on your left oh [__] who okay this this is awesome this floor is unbelievable I am a servant of the secret fire wielder of the flame of Honor you stal not the dark fire will not Avail you flame of udun go back to the

Shadow and then he falls boom and then yeah and then he falls I don’t know if you remember it’s been a while since you seen the movie but but he he breaks the bridge y he he falls in and then he fight Falls in and he and yeah fly you

Fools and then everyone else here oh behind you could you be watched by the crawler in the Deep hey stinking hites give me back my PR Holy [__] okay all right okay okay I no I will not give it to you we need to destroy this tricket on Mount Doom and we need to get there in at least two more movies from now right yeah yeah we didn’t have the budget to to make Mount Doom

Unfortunately so um this is about as far we as we got but um but then the fellowship is supposed to retreat after this oh fly you fools yeah so you can lit F if you want abity to fly yeah there you go welcome El that’s not

Ours but um this is like the vacation home after you get out of waria I want to see what this looks like yeah I was going to say another enclosure which is very we were trying to make it night because they arrive um to Moria at night

Uh so we tried to create an artificial night since we couldn’t figure out how to change the time of day and this isort of the back of the mountain no this is this is unbelievably good that was [__] awesome uh I love the enclosure it’s keeping it kind of

Condensed in this spot so it’s not like oh look there’s like a Ted’s house over there right um so that that’s really immersive really great I like I love the lore I love the story uh you all you made this up right I mean this is not

From a movie or a television we wanted to use of the space yeah so we used as high as we could go with the you can’t go as high with the terrain tool as you can with the build tool we went as high with the terrain tool as we can and then

We are using the entire below ground area and you can’t fall through you can actually jump off and we have lava like little little rocks for the ball Rock so awesome okay well this is high this is very good the music the voice acting the

The the theat the theme it was like Wow but we were like in a little play that was wonderful uh so let’s get the grade up and these are your final grades let’s get this up I want to make it bigger so we can kind of get a good

View of it and again the grades it’s just for fun I don’t want anyone to feel bad it was just us [__] around uh there’s no Stakes or anything it’s just for for fun but Alex and Ken unbelievable job thank you so much I’m going to give you for structural

Integrity let’s do that first structurally this is a as you see a could pick it up that was so fun dude was hurting me every time I clicked on a door and you were like stop clicking the door oh my God I’m going to puke uh I would give this a very high

Because hold on a second here now the thing about mines is they are underground and tree systems have massive roots that actually uh break through cavness areas a lot so it would be not accurate to not show the root system of trees uh if this were actually

A mine of Moria that is a great point you know that’s you sold me uh but yeah all these things are very very clean uh all the paintings are well look the pillars I mean look at the ceiling this you guys had to make a roof on top of

This I didn’t even know this was the roof this is the roof of the house isn’t it yeah nope yeah we had to hide the you can’t see the dirt Mountain from anywhere inside of the exhibit area yeah cuz the lighting is weird and we we

Hoped that by blocking out the sun it would make actual Shadow but I think it’s just like I I I don’t think honestly like I this I don’t think there’s very much wrong with this I think I think this is another one0 for structure oh thank you I just I there

Could be some but this is just it’s wonderful like all the going down all the the verticality it just this was a huge pain in the ass I know it because I just tried to make one that did this simil and it was dog [__] so you guys

Did a [__] great job uh Chad is has given you a 95 an a Chad has been given A’s as well uh pretty much every sing everybody got an A don’t try to diminish this yeah yeah thankor achievement for recognizing our brli chat room 95 this

Is why we went last so we didn’t uh tilt the curve of chat 95 we wanted everyone else to have a a shot first yeah my my build that I did I I’ll show it I’ll show it whoever wants to see it uh I did have I had to pause

And help so I only had like maybe 28 minutes of build time in the 90 minutes but I tried to do an underground thing and I gave up immediately because I was like nope I’ll figure that out later so it was awful but you guys did a [__]

Awesome job uh creativity and philosophy you’re going to get the same grade the same exact grade for both of these uh it’s very high I loved the the philosophy of doing a Lord of the Rings uh we’re going through the actual uh ball Rog Mountain I appreciate

Appreciate it uh I think you it’s going to be 90 I think honestly we just go straight up you just it’s like 96 96 I don’t we were trying to do something that we didn’t think anyone else would do we’re we’re making a house in house flipper for the the peoples who

Live below MH the little folk and a lot of dwarves lived here it it’s seen better days obviously but you know Memorial yeah you honestly Crea 98 for creativity not 96 98 because this is like a whole play that was great all right thank you at Alex thank you Ken uh

Phenomenal job as I expected considering uh how creative both of you are so excellent excellent work yes lot thank you so much uh the top three let’s see who is top three we got overall everybody did really [__] everybody did really well 95.4 we got Doug Doug and lwig at 95.5

9549 we’ve got squeaks and Northern Lion at 95.5 two so just barely barely just beating lwig and Doug Doug stir and uh not stir and attack stir and poke with 96 stir and poke are are the highest score so it’s stir and poke we were held back by our

First two yeah which were like 85s congrats to stir and poke congratulations but but you guys you guys were right there everybody was just right there beside it was 95.4 93.3 93.7 you guys were 93.7 so I mean it’s it’s literally inches we will congratulate everyone who

Won on behalf of those who are sleeping now Snuffy and will 92.9 this is great I have a very special thank you to make for everybody here first of all house flipper 2’s developers they helped us get a lot of this off the ground because obviously

The game came out today and we had to get this set up over the last couple of days two three days so they did let us in early to be able to kind of set everything up so house number two devs hell yeah thank you so much uh I’ll be

Playing it all weekend uh I’ll be sponsored to play it over the weekend too so that’s really cool I love this franchise I spent a ton of time in this franchise so that’s a no-brainer um obviously thanks for that as well house flipper uh but yeah we after that Sea

Dog Conor pants thank you so much Doug Doug lwig RT Ki Vinnie Joel Northern line squeaks Edan Bonnie Pok stir will nef stuffy italics and Ken obviously thank you guys for those subs God damn it uh but that was wonderful uh hope you all had a good time I know it

Was late I know it was long but I thought that was a really really fun time thank you for participating thanks for hanging out

Jerma's House Flipper 2 Invitational (Stream Edit) - Italian Food (2024)


Who won Jerma's House Flipper 2? ›

To round off the stream, it was RTGame (96.65 points), Etalyx (96.55), and DougDoug (96.05) who each got A grades to walk away as the three winners of the invitational.

What happened to Jerma's back? ›

This included chronic pain in his chest and lower back, which was caused by a hernia that had gone under the radar for several years. While seeing doctors, he also caught a potential problem located in his prostate as well.

Does House Flipper ever end? ›

When you start the game, you can only buy every house available once. When you have bought, flipped and sold every house (except for the house that's your office at that point), there is a game over and end credits scene that comes on before the game takes you back to the main menu.

How much did Jerma doll house cost? ›

The event's planning took place over seven months. The exact cost of production is unknown, but it required a sponsorship from Coinbase and was more expensive than Jerma985's previous interactive stream, which cost $40,000 to produce.

What is room 404 House Flipper? ›

Room 404 is an apartment available for the player to purchase and renovate in House Flipper. It was added as part of the Halloween 2022 update (along with other Halloween items), and is the second house in game to feature a "curse" mechanic.

Which house is haunted in House Flipper? ›

Samarta Myers' House | House Flipper Wiki | Fandom.

Who is Jerma's brother? ›

Jungo/Junko: Jerma's cool older brother who is better at video games. First mentioned in the "Doin the resta Dusk" stream, and later became Jerma's Outer Worlds character.

Is House Flipper 2 coming out? ›

House Flipper 2 was released for Windows on the 14th December 2023. Ports to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S are planned to be released on Wednesday 10th April 2024.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.