The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

4 Norfolk, Virginian-Pilot, Tuesday, October 5, 1943 ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOT1VI ial win be. in the, family plot at London Bridge. Jenkins bii Air IA SA Special Nonces II Autoftiebitts Fir SsU II AurornobilM For Sal II Rationless Beef proposed by GOP Washlnvbm. OieL (L51) A Jl Joseph Li Bateaua-F a 1 Soft Drink Sugar Stolen; Destined For 'Hard' Drink? DOltbZ 1B17 aioaX oor aadaa; wood Kwid Can KeaamuMy Lady aaairae ttaaanorutiea) la riarida wa or aroiiBd Orl. Tlh.

SaiaraaaM. Phase Keep Reports GRirruf xoToa con past soos law, ssao. Dial SMla. services for Mr. Bateman.

who died; Sunday morning at a local hospital. 1 will be conducted in the funeral vmi. sKza TtS Sraabjr St. DODGE 3 IMt'toar-doar tourias aadaaa! IB- sharp reduction or elimination of ratkmlgg point values for beef wu ith radio aad kMlrr- amir 12 Trucks For Sale 12 PoucemenBusy chapel of James V. Derry, 1920 Colley avenue, this afternoon at LAacRMoat cLiAwaas Six Coavanlwt Slot caaar axd save ae pes cijtt srpKarLcocs tuia MOLES.

WASTS. NAL 1M Mra. Ewtl, IftS Mnfiataa Arta. Forfar Fund foiiiglil, President" Speaki on Na-tional Hookup at 10 1 30 CHEVaoLIT 1BJ aao and eae-aaSI ton" raotua at marn. niaraao anq era na ba; eat nutaa: apatleaa MpmI aad Colonial CaavralM rnrn, proposed tooav oy tne nepuoncan Food Study Committee, which de bodrs aood oaailnlaai 330 o'clock.

Interment will be in all Police Hunting for More Than Two Tom of Bouh Si. and Oinrr B4, Jhai ST071. lm Dial 4440T. Forest Cemetery' Horn pTMtDn nntii a. clared that cattle ever rOHD yard panel- 1S3 Intaraa.

feill-toa. POOOC 1S1 Bat are being slsughtered. The SWeetening''': tC; radio: heater: anod "tiraa. Sat Sraaoj lUnry Bd. Woman Victim of Assault; Various Jewels Reported Taken Recap composed of a group of rnndlllnn.

14Att fj lroai 1S3S oaa aad ni. mi awes. hSaTT WTO abort in aoad t- Mors then- two tons of sugar in Dootiiv laaf ardan. Baalar. radio, food Congressmen headed by Representative Jenkins, of Ohio, made lim: MM.

im Rowua) Atb- fwadition. Ofar- Apply J. D. WsadarS Son. For Campaigns Co-Incident with President Roose tended for use in the manufacture oial sioJT atnr Court land.

the proposal in a letter to Admin florist: of carbonated soft drinks may be Assault anQ robbery of a woman, YOUR NOW! Master Auto Service 20th St. at Colonial Ave. DOINtaV 1S4S four-door toariae roSD '31 pirkup; breeaet and atamp; istrators Prentiss Brown of the PHONE 76609 ww. aniaare ana uw eandiuaai aar-feef lim: vlaawiac Mm fmiah: iaoc Ine nande: heaior: real Bar. Borlolk diverted into the dlstauallon of "hard" drinks, police theorise, as a a i Office of -Price Administration.

the theft, of hundred! of dolUn worth of merchandise from velt's radio address tonight at 1030 o'clock over all networks launching the National War Fund drive In many American communities, John 131C0LLECIPIAC1 Asserting that cattlemen are 1 Motor I Cadillae-Oktaaiobtla Draier. SOS Snaky BL' Oaea oveainn C0MERB0USH 1 For Lunch being forced to market cattle in O. C. SALES. PASTS.

SEBVtca Searral Truck Saiea Ca. Ine. Sll and Manleo Sta. Pl 1t I2A AutoTranertCosches I2A niu in. Jenkins.

Jr, president of the cpuee; low aiiiaasal DODGE 1S41 elan large numbers a result of a scsrcity.of feed snd other factors. freight truck, an attempted safecracking and the pUferfnf of sev-v eral Valuable jewels from an auto mobile were among the more Im inU- Norfolk United War Fund, will be a mui. oi urcak-m no roooery Sunday night at the plant of the High Rock Company, 201 West Twenty-fifth street According to-a report filed with police by Samuel Silverman, thieves backed a email truck up to the rear aarfact fiaiaa. A la aatanlioaatl! ainnliiaialli hi eaoajlem Ursa: fal loortir lob eanditlon. Luhrii i COME TO HERMAN'S DUTCH KITCHEN the committee declsred the 're- siai bl.

mm i mm toji heard in a subsequent address over Station WGH in.which he will out rornrr Kanleo St. Dtal SXtSS. araiaar: junnj eomuuoai aleeoa A. loll aj.w-h- JOSEPH L-at Ural kMpilak Sundar moninr. Oetobrr JMj lJrSHHi.

JOtiEPH Moved. hwlHUM oi Hrt. Una Buko Balrmoo. and 17 inn. mnenl a delicious Corned Beef.

taller can now offer a wide selection of beef cuts, but the housewife TOKO liMl fardar- art Bt.P- uira7 -x" i line puns for tne local drive early spiced Beef or Tongue, Sandwich. radn: boatar. Lot, Omaha, aad aUsh door of the plant effected a break- next year, portant items reported to Norfou police yesterday. Hiss Anna Cartwrlght; of 604 list-shall avenue, reported (hat an unidentified man attacked and mm. wai aan.

job rrincess Anne RdV. ww. i ww tmmw iOMM. IWIIm lb I1M tresioent Jiooseveii wm be on rOBO 1S.1S do lna tudor: tS.M in tnrougn a aoor opening on the roof, and drove away with 43 one- can't buy them because point values on meat have -not been Ip addition, the committee pointed 'out an Increase in ra MrTK wl'l rOMjvoUd THIS iTuto-4wt AITERMOON at 'ciock la Juan V. Dmr Faaral Chapel.

ItM Collar amue. Pnenda of iV laailtr air to aiuad. laiarawst. Vomi Law mt; na the air from 1030 to 1033 o'clock. LA SALLE TBAILEB- rnome? The address by Mr.

Jenkins, like iraniw aunna: awraa htim hundred pound bags of sugar. Another 14 bass had seen taken from rORD 1837 laur-door erdaa ia Rood ran. owned: attrartiva onto far ohvIt -BAY VIENA6 RIDING GLUBj tion vaiuea for butter has cut into wise of five minutes' duration, win aiiani: roaippea wii rauto. neaier, aw I tint SSOO tabra U. faal 8151 1.

Mmor and Trailer KBrtianev. the second floor, or tne ouuding to allowances for begin at 1035 o'clock. At a iaral howUL Suadair. OrteBM- S. FORD 1WM aadan.

HO Cooke Aa ISIS. Bl m. m. VII AKVIK The -Norfolk United War Fund tne root, wnerw tney were leivpy the thieves. araaiojeion.

vial ststs. ESTELLE DAVIS TnaKBKICIC blml TBA1LKB Palace Eoyele' t4 ft IfHf: dauchwr olMn. Sarah Oaria and wile Silverman said the intruders left Saddle Horses For Hire Funerals 1 Eanirar a. zamm IB lae 7ia. rrT roan im eanwrtible oaa radio and eood ttre: low Chorr drive will embrace a membership of 51 agencies, 17 of which cater to welfare and relief heeds of the United Nations here and abroad.

"wjai twamuon: aim tap. Xaeenita o. arf bM-y doty 11 nM, P. Vanae Trailer Camp, bat Ooeaa Vmw C'l aftemoeii or e-amar. rr aaa.

ruacrai mtnitmm will aa mm ilix-fd al lh iimarr rnarral lam. Motor sinji STanov 1285 Fisherman's Rd. Dial 90760 via a rear door, and that tire tracks of a small truck were seen leading from the Haerire Moarll Gay Funeral Craalw al Thirtr.lnuHh alrort. -THIS roao 1B.M ITtwul ArTrSSOOX nrlator S. 1S43.

aadao, rood WHXoe. eood S37S. Wai S14U. OraabT B. Jfc W.

R. a. SEEL TRAIT.ZR SAf.ra Aim Thirty-two of the remaining services for Mr. -Gay, who died 13 'rierk. Bunal will ho la laa toaden and Knowing that sugar Is sn almost 10 Lest, round, Stravad 10 I Sridaa Bawit Chuirh Oawiiffy.

11 Saturday morning at his home, 501 roap 4S41 par da loae eoachoriSinal STBEBVCB. iikvar mm-vi "fi' indispensable ingredient used in the fermentation of mash from BAO LoM; alaaiard Maalaaaa'a Shoe fuuah ta Bba SIN BL al OiBohandra A-y. Dial 4SS8S Trmle-a Pay Like -Sea Va Before Yea Buy, SaU ar Trada agencies arc members of the Community Fund, while other local agencies represented are the City Union of the King's Daughters and and OiarniT Da si Mataaa. lne trd MriM mora: eoniaininr uar rem HC. Pbnnr rortMnoBIa ST8S-W.

Krward South Main street, Berkley, were conducted in the Francis AV Gay IJ. S. N. (mired), atuMnlj. Xondar evcaln-.

Ortolvr 4. 1S4.1.' at HEBBT AUUITST STBEE- Cavaliaa which moonshine whisky is made. robbed-her in front of 610 Marshall avenue late Sunday night as she was on her way home from church services. The man came up behind her, she said, seised her by the -throat, choked her, threw her to the ground, and snatched her purse and a Bible on which her name was engraved In gold letters. The purse reportedly con talned about a dollar in money, a fountain pen, cosmetics and personal papers.

Miss Cartwrlght Jd the man ran when she acreamed. A truck owned by the Merchants Truck line was reported robbed ef 20 of candy, a carton of shoe polish, four cartons of shoe, leather, a case of vaseline, five eases of drugs, a case of toilet preparations, two esses of snuff nd two cartons of shoes? while E-ked bealde the Pennsylvania Uroad freight station on St. -S', Car Dent SL TSS-SSS Staabr Pl BAR MS Loal; alaia bar aw with while and also that augarln large Quanti SIB31. Funeral. Home, Ohio and Rodrers HABBELL BAILEE COMPABf a nd Bralrta SSV "fT- toad aaM trauaya.

1S0S MaatieeUo roratr tStb StT. reward. ine uenirsi x. M. A.

-Last February, when'; the first rORDSt 1U4I fudar aad farrier aadaaa teb. c. w. V. S.

X. irHiicdl. hua-baad mt Mra. Anna Silvmiein Strrrw. In Iha SSth mr ar hi KraaaHir al lae K.

D. Olirtr literal Aoartojoala. Ka ties unoDtainaDie tor sucn pur-noses under the rationing; program. BILLFOLD Brown. iaM or aaldia s.eov to lB.uoo aiiM; ail tuuy aquio-od and la narfatl canditlaa Ihraacb- tainuur nlaatil rarda.

traaeoorta- Mai a two 1001 Lwnwu avraua. araoiar the police were of the opinion that streets South Norfolk, yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. J. F.

Morgan, pastor of the Fort-lock 1 CongregationaKChrlatlan United War Fund drive was eon-, ducted here, a total of $540,000 was mrau. different rolore. Cotoaial bt Car. Baaeh St. aad Olnr Rd.

Dial rilAn a kiTrrn iion aar ia raaa, nui sesaa Beward. HIMMOSR. MART ATlLbA it llir the sugar pommy wu stolen oy some would-be moonshiners who CTffTl. Onm eaenbaia nntil B. KDurwnn i ecu iiwilraio.

TIT aalrich aranso. Mo. BILLFOLD Rlark trataar. wilh IniliaU C. idnuificatlaoj rard, fenve aaprra; RtDSOB -1 SM Saper -S" teofwdoor ae.

raised in a UMay campaign on' behalf: of '45 local, national and International agencies. The year before. are-eager to cash in on the poten Church; the Rev. O. D.

Poythress, psstor of the South Norfolk Con- dan; ll.otw adlaa: aaoa aa new ll I II Ik. I I A II 1 lll ai inn fv. MAST MATlUMj wSto mt Jaawi Gaahma anon ooo nioaay: mam. naiinai laii iv i ii n. 1 1 r-rc SL, rarta.

Can be eaaa at 403 BiiawH tially lusnr profits whisky rsuoning Hampton pial 4mx. Simaioot. tnd dauthlor ol the tst kBo mskes ppssiDie for moonsniners and BOSTOB Bl-LL ImI rauli flower inoatb. LXsTlLk-i4o HAI1AI taariaa aa SiaiaiMa. la.

I ha rrtr ol hrr aa. aregaUonal-Chilatlan, and the Rev. C. E. Green, pastor of Memorial Methodist Church, officiated.

Mr. three agenciesthe United Service Organisations, the.Nsvy Relief Society, and the Community Fund- apj;" reward bootletnrers. ear. and ana Dial SiWST. daa; low aiiieasa and waita wau Bakeries and soft drink bottlers.

BWnce Uka Rent raarrai trrryrr al the above Mtm. WEIWERDAY al It oHarh aoan. TnnH of la lamil urt inriud lo alWad. In. CAKVAS COTES Brawn.

lOili combined in a single drive which ex which sre among the institutions! BUEe tout Selection Now Taam. hka new: alaamuur black. aawarmi tiniah; epetieee npaobiery: a perfrrt ear. Cobaial Cbevrolrt Cora. Boaah St and Olaey Bd.

sul S7071. Opaa avoaiass irraiMii. Klmwoml nmtmrr. oro-TI Gay wu a member of the South Norfolk Congregational-Christian Church. or sy netwera Lnsa Mwaanal oapilal and 2SS Bank SI.

Saw are to findrr. Machanical EnaimaruMr Cm Dial SSatM. users allotted large quantities of i ceed ea its quota. SOCIBKR. rHABXlE C-AI hia tT- Our Large' Stock Julian avenue Sunday night Of the, 17 shipments on the truck.

amn n. arc. 1S11 riaiboraa artana, Kortolh. sugar, have been victims or severs. mm mm 0...

o. CliECk--Loi4: aarable la Alfred Bosar4' jlUMla' IBM James N. Mesxlnson ssnr "Sweet lTncOLB-ZKPRTB 1S4I dub coupe: aauinoM with bealar. Mt lam, and sursr roDoenes nere in receni four were stolen in their entirety n. unomr a.

ini, ai Ha waa la Ma a( laa lair 11 -M a Vine Mr. jenklna uld yesterday that it wu not generally understood that the war fund drive here Is conducted early in the year, rather leotena wawrraaawii S3T.90. Piadrr alnw Dial FTBWaT OVM Ktnvaa reace. Tne Girt of God's Love' aaamefl aaanmpaaawi la Makes months. Tne aitemptea inert or Willie and Lnvnia Oai Saaiie and haa.

arerairre: tow are leoaiaw lor a car Wiu a mmm a wo mm DIAMOXD LmI Iraai nna la Davla firiU and "Shadows," Mrs. A. L. Han- 8,000 pounds of sugar from the Laraatt Deafars in iha East amnio rniim Bqainw. (M XS.

The KoUir aa mnwrrd la the Ryke at lata auality. aa aura to aao ibm one raralirr Matora. Iaa Vi Car Dipu TSS-fSB ranby SI. Dial uearai rowara. nal IHI.

Br Johnson, of Mills Company, 1224 Bramble- bury being the accomnanlat Southern Cake Company at Bermu than in the fall In. the latter rnnrrai ihmw. eoh Berkley arraHr Ri tee Prti linman Ct-i frwn warra lav aartm will Irara at MEBCLBT--iS41 aoarerUbla Tne pallbearers were William for example, are war da and Chapel streets wu thwarted DIAMOXD BAB BIN Leal: Off ieara' ion avenue, rvpurtcu wiaj wic Hw. raiMTai awrim will ha al roape. Tea anal k4a.

ariartty. Dial Clab or betwrea Hnb aad Barib to- ar Etheridge, Forrest Etherldge, Mll-I fund drives to be conducted in Rich a'rtork hi the Wralr MnaadUl Chnrh v.wiUll Wla mVM sai to. several-wee ks ago wnen officers "flushed" the thieves they were establishment wu broken into through a rear window Sunday nrrmrmmt mm mm A fm A IftCiXi M. wryanl. OM Tran.

ea roaia on B. P. bua, roriwaovM: rrward. Pbnoe PoiHoiiiMlb 40S-M or an. B.

r. burn Mines, Tneodore jlall. Elwood MEBCUBT 1B40 Dial 48301 Onm ssmhii mond and other Virginia communities. The Portsmouth drive will be Mar. Tarn ana.

W1UOS VRA Al IhI kMild Smith, Sam Wilson, Herber naataler! aoad motor: new urea: rajjarw engaged In loading the sugar on a stolen truck. DIAMOXD eSOAwKMEKT RING Tcilo" arw rarapa: radio: heatrr. 11SS la- Miller. John Whltehurst, ArthuH conducted early next year. Sander aftmraea, nnohpr ISiS.

at 4 VERA W1LSOK. (l-rrar-oM danfhler Thomaa J. and Brrlie Barae rWlde Boad. Broad Clerk Vinam. redd, lnet Moadar- narkinc who ransacked the office and at- MnAi tA MtM film ufA Kw 9mJ 13 Auto Tires SiiDoKa Laney and Charles Brown.

Inter caiea on air nail at. MEBCCBT 1B41 S' Haan Haarta" niifon. nie noor win at latra iron, ise eoarthouw, inaerintlaa beanliful IbTbl ran ment was the family plot In Hullonon-Brovn rnnrrai Home to jiwrmnj Miw wwn vww. huv nandr. nrward.

iwaiaoTiu. Mrra: euatom rartw and A Mother Stricken Deaths Riverside Memorial Park. maime Mrwoaiet rhurrn. PnacrM Annr breaking was unsuccessful. BOO i fonranian.

brown, bmm SU Oifford Motor Cora, 1001 Ubany rounly, lor funeral arrrlrni TUBS PAY James V. Derry. st the request tout in Balicaiiao naec; raward. Dial nouta aorioia. A diamond, broacn valued at ITEBBOOII.

Oetoorr t. IMS. at tM na7. 1B4I aaai-b; ariauul maraai of Francis A. Gay.

a brother of MERCUBY- Mrs. Mary Matilda Slanoms. aced 'REUNERStv "7-. GRADE III TIRES VULCANIZING -RECAPPLKO PEP TIRE SERVICE 783 lloatlcelld Ave, Dial 81896 Quality and Service since 1919 230, a aune Antoinette -pean- boa XmmmA aU hmnT tunes Is Ilka new; baa radio, banter and the deceased, directed the funeral After Seeing Son Oil for Overseas ..9 MEETINGS eral cover; aoou runner, raiavier Motor, ue Led Car. DrpL, TU-73S and appraraaca et enow: I we leow iront teeth adeems.

Be ward. Dial SSSSl, Eat. liuuucu wruowii luuni fiw, wu a Blue Butterfly diamond broach 77 widow of James Gasklna Simmons and daughter of The late James H. and Mrs. Mariraret Anne Lee CoIbhbus Johnson.

Fu Oranny SI. Dial S18S1. COBIBTHIAll LODGE 'Ha. 1HB A. mi IflvB.

roan COUPE Black; Siala a spmbi conuanairailoa. stolen from a. brief case in anl aoala Trmpla. THIS ITaaedajr) EVE- KASH 1S41 coupe: radio, heater: blue paint: like sew iaoldc and out: birraia prira for aairk eaa: trad and term. Dial 4BtOS.

BcaO Motora. firaaby and neral services for Mr. Johnson, who died Saturday morning at the family residence, 821 Lafayette Houand sammons, a lifelong resident of Norfolk, died st the resi Mrs. Gladys Walden Wright B0. mother, of four U.

S. soldiers now automobile owned by George T. 7iaa: mti moori. tbbcb sram ia front of Boyal taurine Dra Worka. 44U7 Hampton Nartolk.

ea Tnra-djjr. SS. liberal reward. Dial 1-u1Umm mA S. 4S43, at a'rlacfc.

for wofk in DcVrPMa AD Katorad Aparantteta. VeHowrraft and Ifaatrr Maaane ara ronllilLv iavtlad. dence. 717. Raleigh avenue, yester lnia oprw rTraiara.

mtwmm In the service and sister of two OLDCMOBILE 1B4S aoaehi low atiloaea S104T. avenue, iSouht Norfolk, were, conducted yesterday afternoon at 4 day afternoon o'clock. Sur yBATERNITT PW Leal: Pi Bate Phi. other men In the armed forces, died Yesterday moraine st 230 o'clock mr araer ai tna wonainnii Bfaairr. It C.

C. ATKIBROX. Sre-'. viving nee, are two daushters. Mrs.

an Ua beanAtful finiabt ao'aluthtly Hani nu arraw aiu a aiaainniwi; ana; la o'clock at -the above residence. riaiu. PetiaarWaaTa Central Alrlinae at. j. Rudgard -Wigg, or Norfolk, and Recap Your Now! 24-Hoiir, Service BILL OICGS 8203 E.

frlneess Anne Expert Vulcanizing phone 22S4S CLOSED SUNDAYS and MONDAYS 14 Auto, and Trucb For Hire 14 TMSABETH LODGE Mo. A. W. you can't tall II Iram aew. Norfolk Malar Co.

Inc. Casllac4Uawa)ohila The O. D. Poythress. pss A A.

Jt. on mr. Ta. A Statad Com- Mrs, Burton W. of Dealer.

Bui. Braabp SL Opoa eraaiac tor of. the South Norfolk Con ere- ill he siiinioaUati ol ihb in a hospital at Mverdale. Md, where she wu stricken after going there to see one of her sons leave, for forelen duty. She wu a native fiee at Oslo 4 of Baral Air Siitlaa name enfrarrd ea back.

Batia Labnai reward. Dial S4BS. LLKWELLVM SETTER WLlh hlmA bear until lo, hrM al the Maroak) Traialr, THIS ITotw- gauonai-cnnslian Church, offi itnaca, a granddaughter, Miu Eloise Rudgard Wlgg, and a sister, OLMMORILK 1B41 "SH faur-loor eedan Tooker told police the thief pried open a front door of the car while It was parked In the 1400 block jf Grsydon Mrs. Shirley H. Enrlght, office mansger for Station WTAR, reported that $71 wu stolen from the broadcasting company's office safe when, she stepped out the office for a few minutes.

Fifteen pairs of newly repaired dart EVEXiyO. Oetooar a. 1S44. at ciated, and ung VHt Knows the en left tide: fear Montbe aid. llamed ef Roanoke but had lived in Norfolk Mrs.

R. A. Saunders, both of Nor Tippy." Loot ta vkIbIV of Tlrtriai snd "Eastern Gstes." He pnmiiai: vnar, All Maaler ataaam II Maaler Maaona Brch. Seward. Call VUf lata wiia aydra-aaaiM rtrc: oaiy ojbuu nulea.

apara new; fauy aaalpped and aa aaar like new ae any car could be. Ceio-. Bial Cae relet Boab St. and Olnry Bd. Dial S7071.

Opca araaiasa are eordlan 'Imrltad. for the past four years. folk. vv-; was accompanied by Miu Mary Hl-M tealrr. Mi -Br erdrr the Worihinful Mrs.

Wright wu the daughter of iaucfwl Funeral services wbl be held at hire-' Imh. SEAT. SerY Irailer aad II CHARLES Le waiiace. PKK1BESB Laet: aialr: Tory dear pet of lldnUuiU Ban. Plamd wilh bah Mr.

and -Mrs. Joseph H. walden. the residence tomorrow at 12 fcaoMuiei: 1 1 -ton. Co.

Dial STSOaT until p. 6LDSM0BIL MOBILE The r-pallbearers were D. L. all day. Buff color, Mark fara, Min.1 LEGALS of Norfolk.

In. addition to her par 1B41 "78" S-Pm nipa: 4.000 actual mile and o'clock noon, with the Rev. B. M. .1.

Cooper, T. G. Harrell. C. W.

Out- one ere: mile evni oni at nnrr. BowanL Dial aSSBT. SIS Brandon Are. MOTICB Perslncer. D.

nutor of Eoworth 1 IS Mofcxyclei A IS ten, H. Williams, J. Wilder, C. miely prrfrctt new ear naraalra; nnor. Ity rcuuirad.

Colewld Caarralet Corp, Boaah SL aad Olary Bd. Dial S70U. ents and husband, Emmitt wrignt, she" Is survived by eight sons. Lorle WriaUt Fred N. WriKht William POf KZTBOOK Ladj'l blark.

rakt initial pair or nsu ouers were reported stolen from a shoe repair ah on in Vaaa liha notli thai ea Iha IBIh day of Octobrr. IStS. Iha andrralcnrd will lOThr lo iha Vircinla Aire holla Br. F. Clawell, Bryant Houoman and HAhXEY-DaVIOAO 1B37 Maori 'Lis' M.

awt lo Babar-a ar Lamer a. onm creMnr p. Methodist Church, of which Mrs. Simmons wu a member, officiating. Interment will be In Elm- wiadahield: S300 ContalneS money and ralaabw papers.

SOS Apply w. u. Baucom. VUklimi 9Am TV. JZjSTTZSTm the rear yard of Llnwood Tyler's, erase Control Board far retail IWme to 1.

after awian ato, a at. Reward. wai awr. a arn haar for an and aft Brrauora South Norfolk Lodge. 339.

F. Wright and John T. Wright all of the U. S. Army, Joseph Wright! Skylor Wright and Samuel Wright rxDUX8iSi INS aeeule: rood BAINOOAT Vio'l li(hi Ua: lot.

Thnra- nmptiaa and vine for off iMwaiee ram residence at 813 camp E. McKennon 1 reported wood Cfemetery.v food eaadilioa tluxMsbout; SUM. 4lJ PrntlbHoii BL Phone Brrkley 1S4S-J. PLTMOUTHS 4 1S4I Iwodoor and four- and A. M4 or which the deceased dar an ureaaMat oaa: rtwara.

wai roMWon: fuoa bras. t0 E. ScwcUa i-amnium ai aow saai uibct nor- aaaao. wu a member, attended the serv. that 25 hens weighing sn average Of Mt Ranter, Md, and Delbert a AAA 11 AAA iHeary Aagast Streever, C.

T. fT- Tcostas" co*kSTAirrHlbO. PETE rBAME. Sailboat Lai: fall aanttipad. iodudlae radio and ices and conducted a grave service of.

eight pounds each were stolen ra dar and aorhoiL. amn bet- USN i retired), aged 64, husband of MOTOBXTCLE 1B3B HarWy-Da vld BMdrl "Sl- aaojUent aaadiuon: fully aasippadr raaa ar teruaw Sraaby tar 131 a tiranb St. Wright of eight aisters. Miss Msrtha Walden. Miss Bettle kealer: dilfcrrat colon: attractive -11 11 gmmm.

in siversiae Memorial Park. arte. Cniouial Cherrslcl Smi.b Mrs. Anna Silverstein Streever; from her chicken yard at 1316 Modoc avenue some time Sunday Monoi 1 have fhla da aold air haalneaa I lirr Hamnion. n.

moftbi rrwam Walden, Mrs. Thelma Whltehurst, BL- and Olner Dial Tbual- James Iittletoa SklnaerFu- crown until w. MOTCYCLE 1B41 ladiaa. 4 Undrr; 8.0U0 mllea. fiood tirm-.

esaaUrnt run. SAILBOAT IS-IIh fcMt TbarvdaJ tw. Baward fat ratsm. OuT native of Liverpool, N. and a resident of Norfolk for the past 28 Mrs.

John P. Harris, Mrs. Jessie night S171S. trade name of Crntol Candr Comnany. Inraled at SHOl-B Bowdm'a mry Boad.

r. Borront. Vlntinla. to J. B.

Hubbard, who neral services for Mr. Skinner. PLTMOUTH 1041 Bpedal do luxe aadaa: arartirall new lira- man eilraar mw Giles, all of Norfolk: Mrs. Edward wine- ronoinon. iwal bsim.

cases of csndy were re years, died suddenly last night at ftilrrFamiJ: laJaot- waihed an and after tbw data win ha raiponal We Bay and Sell Moiorcrrlr milrar. Seen al 4SI1 Kewporl AimY ported stolen yesterday from Thomas, of Savannah, Ga and Miss Ruth Walden. of Nigeria, Africa: mBPOLE MOTOBCTOE COM PA I at Orran Park. Owner raa hart by pay- 633 He resided at 3100 truck owned by J. S.

Bell Sons, Ma for tne otwradm or aaid anaaoia. Paled Srptoaihrr 47. IStS. orlJt CHRIST CEnaOlAPES. Apt, a.

PLYMOUTH lie waany 81. Inr aalvarr. maiaawM. 1S4I aeveaiaaoUMer. Bapaume avenue.

Besides his wife husband of Mrs. Emily Mae Walker Skinner, who died Saturday afternoon, were held Monday afternoon at 330 o'clock at the chapel of the H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments. two brothers.

Waldo E. walden. u. Laat hmn vallat Motainiaa raaa. Karv dear with radio and aU-uvathrr of 641 cnapei street KOTICR he is survive! by four sons, Julius ry- aeoditloacd bmlari caiwjlent aimdition It Service Stations 14 IrtrnlifieaUon cant, pmnaal effenta.

Addmw Bnaira M. 1 Altrara. Sadtoa'a We cold tbia rar new and Notice Is hatvby jrlven-thst I have pur- Uwaushoul Levy, of Baltimore, Edgar Levy; of Sv. Naval Reserve, snd Joseph H. Walden, U.

8. Army. Funeral services will be held Save Tiiiir aravu-c' alwaya aerrked and will suaraater alwava mrrliml and will ru Armed Guard BCnoM. Rortoia. CDaaod from cnrmwiwr Tiaiwuns.

roataa Pashonla and CLorsa Genr. tan coiomai avenue, with the Rev, none nreLCIaai Mirbanira. nreaimaMe Charswa. H. Nirk Wrickt Xotar flat corner Colonial Aw.

Dial 48453. ariadaa thai reataurant builnoaa and B. M. Perslnger, D. D- pastor of at the chapel of the-Oaschese Funer Colorado Springs, C0104 Joe Levy, of Washington, D.

C. and Albert C. Levy, of Norfolk; a daugh AinOMOTTVI Monlirrllo Avenuo end 14th Street PLTMOCTH 1S43 S4oor dateaa good will at J4U Granby Street, Nor-I Epworth Methodist Church, of. al Home, Hyaiuviue, an, tomor DE SOTO rLYMOUTS row. Known as siepnoni uaio, perion coooiiinn: My priwd.

Dial S378T. row afternoon at xso ociock. Bur ter, Mrs. Leora or New 1 1 ii Autoinobilat For Sale 1 1 BiM sin now eonaueung ana wui con-dart, said buxlneai under the nsme KTYMOL'TM 1941 cabruuat. ial will be In Lincoln Memorial we araair aa Hanei.

rnuter and Palntinr raasallsta. r. a. aorrHiiK.iif. York City; two brothers, Fred and flciaUng.

Interment was in Elm-! wood Cemetery. The pallbearers were Clyde Mayhew, Blanks Davis. J. E. Anderson, Andrew D.

Ste automatio top. (ood tiraa. Marat Con. at Cemetery. f' George Streever, both of Liverpool, of Stephens Cafe.

oc24t PHOaOM P. CEORGCS. Town motor man. JKmUcello Ave, at Elrventh St. Bl'ICK 1B41 epjedal flve-paaaenccr aedan-etie: adaipped with radio, baaler aa.1 eral eavera: ptrfoet BMrhanKaJ raodi- Oraob at.

Eipear icta aaAinta and Mia Emms KATICK .5.. phens, Felix ReDavld and James rOBD MEBCTBT. ZEPHTBJ Stnunrsr at Jvcrtuml. Ttia hodr PLYMOUTH 1840 fauiwdoor aa. Portsmbuth Deaths Hon; err altraeu pnra.

in if ntuee Switchboard Girl (Mtically StaM Youth Arretted After Knifing at 9:50 P.M. -On West Bute Street Miss Lorene McDanlels, 20-year- To whom It may concernrThia is ts eaa wiia nva sooa pra-war urea: eaeip- Branny M. at lain. Dial 81878. wu taken to the H.

D. Oliver atmvaa. ise Til W. ttod SL Dial SSSSS Between Colley and Colonial Area. Miss Virginia B.

Scott, 76, daugh BU1CK1S41 eedaaetle: perleei. SJtme ped wiia ranio anu a nil nrawr; arialaal black fiatah narfeei. Tm aual notify the puDue arter tnw will not reautmalbtt for neral Apartments. 1501 Colonial Fraak Oscar CIIborBe Funeral Rintt 11.000 aeiuai '-murs: prewi m- radio- bealar: defroeler! air-re ter of the late George and Mjrs. Anns Whiting Scott dleAiat 1 see and drlra thia car ta tally appiwri-au Us value.

park Are. Oar are. Park any, debts eontraetad by iy DEAD AUTO STORAGE' avenue, pending arrangements aarfrrt aaator: inotleea aoboL Mrs. Barbara m. tooo.

--t career Armatreae; BL. I Im Sartienl. eury. Sea BUIliass st SSth SL aad Co- o'clock yesterdsy morning at her services for Mr. Cllbourne, who died Saturday morning, were conducted at the Ewell Williamson Funeral October M3.

Morris Broody, sited 79, husband Ionia Ave. Slat St, Corner Colonial Avow Call Mr DlCEerson, t481 residence. 210 Wasblngton street iciCKf Two 1S41 SpoelaT EDWARD C. TODD S01B Nottowar Su Norfolk. Va.

of Mrs. Sarah Lea Kantor Broudy. S-paaainrar PLYMOUTH 4S3B haiiaam eoupe. I rubberi molar ami bad aoul radio, aaalar. Apply Miss Scott wu a member or noma yesterday- afternoon at oaaanetteer rail died at a local hospital last night lass lit eld telephone switchboard operator.

ubpm Wlla eairae wWtFCVoTVoWI fowftnat nM See Ikaai ta our Monumental Methodist Church. o'clock, the Rev. W. D. Morris, pas-1 Tlh Si.

aavh ae radio, beater, an napd ear eaa aa a a aI mm obV "I KOT1CB Surviving are three sisters, Mlu twa deer tour- da hue PLYMOUTH IS40 Bnlrb Corn- now rar abawroea, Prrry BRAKES REUNED -v i Truck Repalrlnf Our Specialty TRUCK SERVICE GARAGE 852 Granby SL Dial 63372 mo aadaa with baalar: This Is to notify tna public that 1 have ar Dtal laaia. Granby St. at lh ior 01 tne spurgeon Memorial sap-tlst Church, officiating. During the services Mr. Morris read Tennyson's Nsnle w.

scott miss luu n. Scott snd Mrs. Leila Scott Boylan. on UUS data bom tna Business for of 608 westover avenue, was criu-rally wounded but night when she was stabbed in what police said appeared to be a "Jealousy case." Miss McDanlels wu admitted to eaupa; a BL'ICK 1B41 auner B-paaarnsfr merly eDarated bv me at BOO at at 9:19 o'clock. A native or Russia, Mr.

Broudy had been a resident of Norfolk for the past 50 years. He resided at 1411 DeBree avenue at the time of his death. wu a member of B'nal Israel Congregation, cuanieal ronditioa; rood Urea all area ad: oleaa uPbaletcry: nice paint: real buy al our oriet. Virsinia Motor aad SW at 11th SL Dial SSS03 Mrian oar em niu aaaiamani and one brother, John W. Scott Prmcesa Anne Avenue.

Norfolk. ins radio, healer, foe itraia: beaaUfal all of Portsmouth s. Vircinla. under the trade name of crossing me uar. rauDearers were L.

J. Stanton. E. W. Splvey.

L. B. Ward, H. M. Portlock.

'Walter 17 Waritodutojrrsfiva 17 Buffalo Confectionery, to Max rrted- i ahia Mnrfolk Motor lae Cadillac-Oldamobite SOS wraahf St, Open Funeral cervices win be con PLYMOUTH 1B3S AUTOBUBILES the Dial SOoOL tiraa, nrivala owaar. Dh lUKcnii nwiiiu win, wk stab wound In the abdomen. Her condition early today was still re man. who will continue to use Uw same trade name snd I am herewith Pearson and R. H.

Prause. Inter ducted at 4 o'clock this afternoon errnuiye anuiio. Besides his. wife, he Is survived BUIOK- lSit Miner ment" wu In-Riverside Memorial at Monumental Methodist Church, call: wo need care ai naee and will pay lop priera. Aaarrlrea Motor and Trailer C-IN-UU.

SamL Fha-a uivnifl iaxS1 Una ilka new: aa deaa and onstnal II noUfylnc the public that I win not ha raaixmalbla for debts contracted iku, aad ia aerlaet aaaditioa rark. Burial will take place In Oak a ear aa rea will foal anywhere: under the trada name of Buffalo PONTIAC WiU na aaah for luF Grove Cemetery; taroueaaai. norms awtar Cadillac Olanmnhlla Deabw. by three sons, J. Louis, Sam and M.

R. Broudy, all of Norfolk: two grandchildren, and four brothers, Sam, Meyer, Jacob and Max Broudy, all of Pittsburgh, Pa. inraucBout: tan oe mac oawaioeoi: mm oaeentioually plea value. Norfolk Motor re. Cadillac-OktaasMIe Draier.

aus 'Ine. Charlie C. Kq a Irrav Funeral Confectionery. Oranl iby St. Open eeeninse antll -IS.

Dated at Virginia, thla Id Uaer -S" fear door tedau ar Mrramliarr five PcaaiBsar coapa. Maet be dro ami have low milrar. Win aanatdrr 1B4J services for wr. Squires, who died Mrs. Agnes 39, wife of Branny Bl.

Open ermine nam m. BL'ICK 1B41 Biraor a-aaaieacar eaane: a POKTIAC 1S41 eaaverUbU coupe: radio Sunday at hisScj(j4ence, 1611 Clai- garded ss Serious. A youth listed by police as Walter Turner, Jr aged 23, of 428 Gray- don avenue, wu arrested by Officer 8. L. Vinson snd wu docketed at the Second Precinct on a charge of felonious stabbing.

Cannady, who lives at the same address Miss McDanlels, Daniel Rice, died at her resi day ef October, 1S43. ALEX GOTTLIEB, ocUt TA Buffalo Confectionery, and haatar: law atUeasa. Dual MO Funeral services will be held In mot. ao dr aew a. Win what yo ta Boa oaa, ears Borlolk Vawa- dence, 10 Rowan Place, Cradock oorne -avenue, win be conducted prrfaet ear with fall oaaiaaMOI.

melud-iny radio, baaler. far litku: branlifnl aneoarrrd IwwIbm linUk: lyetlru ia- aide. Borlolk Motor IarH Cadlllae-OkUawbtla Dreirr. BOB Sraaby St. Onea the chapel of the H.

D. Oliver Fu- this sfternoon at 4 o'clock In the Gardens, at o'clock hut: night ver ls4j facbi TBUCE Waalad. 1KIB SO Park Bvo. Dial POTTIAC 95: low ansa. Apply oOSof.

Wesley Methodist church grave after- a uiness. She wu nerai AParunenia, taut colonial avenue, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. panel traea: ta awaa i Call Mr. ereninaa antiw. native of South Mills.

N. C. the yard, (Md Trap, N. The. fuheralj Howard.

S48irr. CjnBjarwawanl ShCC' awai wim.Diaul JtekJu-nbUBeth- 1 44" spmaybr- at anra mmw cortege' wni leave' tne syKerT- n. a. Baral Una like new Uaor t-iaet ardaa: urartirally new: prbi mi Ira: T.UUO maat ha na Mad daughter of ATAmiie' Forehand, and the late Julius Forehand. She El Congregatlcu, offlclaUng.

Burial bealar, radio: a Biara; liaiaa- eaiauinauie mm mi' mimwnm www vatety award, apply ia vaaisrca avo. nerai Home, iz East Berkley ave hn. Cbavralat laa CradorB. Bo oraiera wui oe in nai Israel cemetery. had lived here three years; the esse Cannady reportedly was waiting to escort Miu McDanlels home when she gdt off work about St.

and Olnvy Dial S707L PONTIAC 183B; heat otter take thta rveninra nntil B. in aaaiuon to her husband and aril natd yea set our tap pneaa. Sen Moorman. Bntot-BAaraay Motor Co. Slat and Manteo Si.

YAM TBAILEBl-Wantad aoc ls0 or iaV (or eaah. Prefer Priil. Write Belch Motor Eaprami. Boa 4S. Tyaer.

or roll. coUen. Edantoa. X. Cwler BlU nue, at.z clock.

i Vera WilnoB-Funeral services for Vera Wilson, 5-year-old daugh a-pa wearer nu -a caaeimnt eaadilioa: mod rubber. Bo dealer Apply sTSa L'MEVBOLKT 1884 I 'AHKOUNCING i FURTHER Wartime Space Restrictions mother, she is survived by a daugh Portsmouth Funerals caak. Pnra la eowei. Apply Monday ar B0 p. nu and Turner, who had expected to take her home, encoun rental alliro Liberty loan, na aunoia read and Bhaa etrccl, aear Slamoadam.

Tneaday SIS Baral Baa Boad. ter airs. Eioise Biske, of Cradock Gardens; two sisters, Mrs. J. P.

Mrs. AnbellavVirtlBla Laiwlter. 52 yarma. ter, of Thomas J. and Bertie Barnes Wilson, who died at a local erea ner rront-of tne teiepnone company bulkUnc in the 100 block CHETHOLET 1S40 five pamaier coupe: POXTIAC 1S41 coupe and 1B41 tnurdoor Pesrce.

of Portlock. and Mrs. F. L. wife of Noah Llaslter.

who died Sunday night at her residence, 600 WABTED TO BUY late moM a. i can aa eata at us w. in- aadau: nwieaao aa ww aa iw.w: muy eouiBBCd. lachtdinv radio aad heater: of West Bute street and stabbed her Trafton, of South Mills; two broth aa. hospital Sunday, will be conducted at the grave at Klmmo Methodist! Church Cemetery this sfternoon st North Sixth avenue, will be bur Tatra.

avian: ers, Jesse Forehand, of Portlock. CHEVBOLET-Twa 1B41 (ood Uraa.v Dial 9SS47. led this afternoon in Olive Branch and Raymond Forehand, of South AUTOMOTIYI DISPUY tame cart are Ska aew ta anpaaraara and atacbameally; real buys. Karfolb Motor Co. radUlacOidamobiie Draier.

BOB Sraaby SL Opaa oroaiar until 10. POBTIAC 1841 oBBvertlble- full with a knife, the police report said. Woman and Child Cemetery. Funeral services will Mills, and a grandson, William D. 230 o'clock by the Rev.

O. S. pastor of the Klmmo. Methodist. CHEVROLET 1S40 lowu aedaaa: anly be conducted, at 230 o'clock at the Biaxe, jr, or cradock Gardens.

13.DU0 milea and periect ia every re anert: full eouiaaedr eatra eood Urre Snellings Funeral Home. The body was taken to the apallraa ialerlor; wonbarlul value. Co- I I -fc tt. tfj MUlpPfd. Can be aaea al 148 Oiary ad-Hoir IMIc? Phone iaSat.

aura to ar Phi Church. 1 Mrs. AbbIs EsteUo Daris Toger-1 sen. Funeral services for SnelUngs Funeral Home pending iniKil mm mJm- OlBry Dial S70TL Opra avemace completion or funeral arrange aadanetle: unni p. PONTIAC 1S1 ChletUiB with.

only 7.0 wibb radio and pare lira aew. 7.000 1841 smm lira oow. ments. mil line car CHEVBOLET IBM Maater de hue: faur- A woman and athlld were in Mrs. Mildred Bennett, 21, wife of Paul Bennett, lately residing at 6913 'Albemarle drive, Merrimac Norfolk, who died, suddenly Sunday morning while en route to Togersen, who died st a local hos For IBS BEST la Uses! Care ft VlRCINLg CHEVROLET DEALER Coloatol Chevrolet Corp.

Bwuh 8t, aad Olaef Road Opea KveabiBB fatfl ii.k- Cobaial fhevro- jured, the' latter seriously, when door aadaa: wuk radio, kcaler. nira food lirr. clean apbotawry and branlL Maury Night School la ro-oprratioB with the' W. P. aewspriat ra v.

atioaiag program, bo vertlseaieBt exeetdlag 14 tines (one Inch) will be ae cepted for pablkatioa In rlaaaifk-atloaa a a S-A toM larlaslve ea aad after frrtober THESE RE I TIQNS WILL APPLY DURING THE SHORTAGE OF NEWS, i PRINT. bNLY. "P- they reportedly, were struck by flVB milea. Nick Wrickt Motor tlel rt Boaah Bt. aad Olary Bd.

Dial I70T1. Onca eveninr until B. PONTIAC Torpale adau: driven mmlm a BOO milM Ul MTfrftl aOB iOBed trucks here -yesterday. Die vic pital Sunday morning. after a lingering illness, will be conducted st the.

Gregory Funersl Home, Granby at Thirty-fourth atreets, this afternoon at a o'clock. Bur Instruction; Bering Colonial Are. St. Vincent's Hospital for treat mai ww. Nearly 100 persons were enrolled tims were listed on hospital records u.

Wllllsm Roland Benton, CHEVBOLET 1S41 epenai da hua apart aodan, 30.000 actual aula, torally wilh radio, heater, eeat eavera: real buy: mxm, wui ne ounea in is siiernoon inr Evergreen Memorial Park. Fu last night in classes st Maury Night owned, oaavMloaally rteaa, road tirra Saa Horana Laa. at Town Motor Mart. six years 723 Woodls ave flat and Maalea St. neral services win be wikti iai nai nue, and Odella Sutton, Negro, rruKaaa Aaoa mom ana wraaor at 4 o'clock at the Snellings Fu AUCTIONS scnooiiM instruction begsn there, but rorm still exists for late enrollment in most classes and new stu- SI.

rer leurooor paoan: dan: aged 44, of 224 Cherry street. Ports Mjietom wjryvuo o-poawror loll da laxe aaalp heater end radios very road urea: morhani neral nonw. L'HiranLtT 1U41 town in meat, meioaiaw mamm lirr: radio, hrawrr la auleacc. Dial rally suaraateed Perry BuMi Corp switt alter a a. moutn.

The Benton child was admitted to Norfolk General Hospital with WANTED USED CARS 1937 to 1948 M0DF.IJS TOP PRICFSI PAID NORFOLK MOrOR CO. CadlIae-01dMobile Dralrr SOS Granby Su DUI SS3R8 airanpy at. at lain, taw sioio. denfj may apply tonight and Thursday, night between 730 and 930 o'dock, Edwin L. Lamberth, princi CHRYSLER 1841 twOuar eadan.

wilh radio, bealar fluid drive and overdrive. WiU cell at a eamfiea price. Kick Wnsht STCDEBAEEB 1B40 Cammander chtb Fire 'Alarms i -r' Alarms of Are from mldniffht SEABOARD AIR LINE Re aMr9aa atffa wMl4 Ndlef AaWBrVi'wWR a possible skull and cot larbone, fractured ribs snd shock. ardaa, radio, hrular, practically lirr. Pil 51S1I.

pair saia tan nignt. Lamberth said that mam 'ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Motor Biat S- earner immuuh are. Dial 4S4tS. Sunday, to midnight Monday: Ula mndttlnn aarlw tnriatf 'waa aaM atmrnzmmm Windaar lai CHRYSLEB 1840 AUTOMOTIVE OISPUY a. m.

10 Chesapeake Btreet. i subjecU being Uught for which enrollments are particulsriv de tourias aedaa: only lS.ilOtt milot and Special Notice. U7 DC icrioua, am nin criucai. False alarm. ADOBATIOS Prrmanenl.

SS: foalhar.bob According to a police report the boy attempted to cross from the 9:46 a. m. St. Vincent's VffHlT-U 5C3" LAIK M0DK1 tSKU CARS permaneal. SSSO.

Jreaie a. SAP Saw Man we mai asoaa ALTCRATIOH wJoaE Waolol. arefar- north to the south side of Woodis sired are commercial law, filing ami bookkeeping, Spanish, and high school English. Classes meet Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. Trsshlre.

7:07 p. m. Hanson avenue an.l Hiabest Caaa' Prices PaM evpuonaily nraa: perfect timet re paint; mechanicaltv A-l: tral buy C-do-Bial Chevrolet Corp Bouab SL aad Olney Bd. Dial S7071. Opra aveaias until B.

CHRYSLEB 1841 New Yorker lour-door touriny eedaa with extra ewh a radie and heater: onlv 1S.O00. mih aad ia new ear rendition: cleamlnr Mark fin. lab: attrartiva price. Colonial Chevrolet Bouch SL aad Olner Bd. Dwl Goff street.

Mattress fire; ably amforma. CaU. S7M Soaih jlh-i land Ave- Broad Creek Till. iABTWtlO' PEBMAKEBT WAVE SS.M. WANTED Forda.

neiToIeta, PljrBioatha k-Faeseafer Modrla See Carateaa nr Wood GRIFFIN MOTOR CO. TT2 Graabr St, Dial 22604 IUfbls avenue near his home about 7 p. m. when he wu struck by a truck be- Ihg operated east by James Henry Moore, Negro, of 470 Smith street The Sutton woman wu treated I I S7SO aad aio. pouiniaau onm aaaa7 J.

P. Howell, D. WUley. Jr Suffolk Fnnerals Mrs. Fletcher Winer Salon.

Dial SSS11, Cntaby A 13tk 84a. Dial 81814 SVaa'S Vtrrinia Brack Blvd. Pamoa TTOTl. worn rvenmr wain w. biekea Dmaera tad Mncar.

open naiiy at Community Hospital for abra Suffolk, Oct. 4. Funeral services noon to 8 'M0 raoa aaoaa. p. m.

for Mrs. Fletcher Wllley were con-l AUCTION SALE Various Articles Fefused and Uncraimec Prolght WAREHOUSE No. 2 Opp. Passenger Station oftsmouth Va. Wed.f Ocl.6 at 1O.30 A.

M. Terms: CASH 7 P. A. SCHOOLS Salvage Agent i. E.

larr. Harry S. F. a Wllley. George Klttrell, Edward Wllley, Thomas IV A.

Wllley, Sr. Honorary pallbearers were G. GaUlng. a Savage, W. M.

Rid-dick. A. Mathews, W. F. BE SOTO 1841 twa aoor aodaja.

with fluid drive and arerdrt: la eaerlleM ondi. Iloo. Bra thla oaa today. Nick Wrirkt Motor Slot SL, earaar Colomal Ar. Dial 4S4SS.

na aMlaa. radio. balar: ea- ducted Sunday afternoon at OIUTLXTIBO PHOTOORAPHS Al homT BCataaabU. Dial tlTIS. S7.

Smith. sions, lacerations ana contusions suffered when she reportedly wu struck by a truck while attempting to cross from the north to the south side of Merrimack avenue at Broad HPEMCEB rOUNPATiqSS EflnTf 'JoiaPtl lBof "waTVrtlMV ralMIe ny 71S-. or tore am. ar alter a P. rrllenl rubbrr.

Mechanirally pertert. 7e. Dial 48347. Apply SSS W. SS ad.) SL I I 'v.

V. Cross, F. E. CarroIL W. Creek road.

William T. Heffington, Best Cash Prices FOR fc? USED CARS MASON-HAYNES CORP. 1308 Hijrh St Pbone Porte WILL PAY CASH For Late Modrl, FlTr-Paaaeafrt Balrka, Cvroleta, Poatlaca Forda. aad OMsBiobtles See Mr. Dardea PERRY IUICK CORP.

Graabjr St. at 1Mb Dial 21STS SUPEBITLUOCS AIB Brmoved toravrr by who was operating the truck east o'clock at the home of D. A. Wllley.1 son. of the deceased, in Gates County, by the Rev.

T. J. The hymns. Abide With Me." "Rock of "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," were sung by the! choir of Kittrell's Methodist! Active pallbearers were Lew in new 1 iijaaw ilii 11 mi rm as 1 11 iir imss wanrffaniairn Jiimn'' mallipt clretrolyaia Dial S7t4. Ida Greene.

J. L. Parker, S. Ii Richard Askew, R. Brlttain.i Barnes Williams and J.r A.

ftauml-r. Mt New Monroe Bklir. IX) DUE 181 Cueloni da hi 4-dnor aedaa: fluid drtre; tarty eauinpad with. dirertional. UsbU baaler with drfracter.

alee temprratura control: eb-c trie oneiaal lirht blue finiah and Inlerior' braalilul: brand-new m- on Broad creeK road, wu given a summons by Officers U. J. Harris and F. McCoy for operating a iKAlLEH SPACES-rar rent: day. arrrkl mr aionihl ralea evenrthlnc furnibed.

Burial wu- in the family cemetery Hndeoa Trar Camp. Oilmertoa Bd. and near Gates. truck wiin inadequate praxes..

The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.